OK, I unfortunately don't have anything on YOutube or the like where I can actually demonstrate this and let you hear an example, but I think I can textually describe this well enough with a popular enough song that 99.9 percent of you should be able to follow this with ease.

I'm doing a cover of the song by BSB, I Want it that Way, but it's gonna be a parody.

I don't wanna give it away, so sorry, no lyrics. Ha ha.

Anyway, so here's the deal. I'm just gonna use the regular lyrics for now to help you reference.

On the middle part of the song where they start the line No matter, and end with deep down inside of me... What I wanna do is take the word me, and apply some really really eery automation to the track. I want to use a kind a tap delay that will tap on the word me. Essentally, I want it though to be totally in beat sync with the song and each tap to kind a trail off from dry to all wet.

So basically instead of deep down inside of me... You are my fire...

What I'd want would be more:

Deep down inside of me



then on the last me of that measure, for my dry regular lead vocal to come back in with you... then obviously picking back up on beat 1, at the beginning
of that next bar we'd have are... with that big percussive boom/crash.

So, in other words, that word me, leading up into that verse right before the key change modulation, I want the me to tap delay on deep down inside of me so that me taps 3 times. The original dry me, then, me me me-you. You with the lead dry vocal, but the me needs to be totally in sinch with the me,
2, 3, 4, you-and Boom! Are! my fire. Does that kind a make sense?

Right now, I don't have any finances to afford any paid plugins like from Waves, or the like. I'm going to for now need to use stock plugins entirely to achieve this, and whatever editting/automation functions come available totally 100% stock with ProTools.

Yes, I will be setting ProTools to the correct tempo, and yes, I will have a click aux input track inserted and clicking. I don't know if I'll quantize. Probably not. I think I can get the instrumentation steady enough without doing so. I might, but it's very doubtful that I'll need to.

So, yeah... what's the best way of going about this workflow? Please be as specific in your message response as possible. Saying things like the X title
plugin will do this, thanks, bye, isn't gonna tell me anything.

I need specific instructions on how to start going about this task. I'm not asking you all to tell me exactly how to set things, but I at least least need the plugin to use, and what settings specifically to move up and down, and play around with to get this working with a little work.


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