I completely agree with the Orio Monster.

I was the type at first who only relied on presets, so don't feel bad, but putting it very bluntly, you're never gonna get the complete sound that you're looking for, most likely, until you actually understand what the settings do in each plug you're using.

Now, that said, let me be very clear on something a lot of people might tell you otherwise. I've found a lot of people will say, learning this stuff is pretty easy. Yeah, maybe easy for them to say. It's not impossible, but I've been doing this stuff since I was 11 years old. Way before ProTools came along We're talking annalog days. To give you an idea, I'm 37 years old now. I still! don't know everything, and though you're probably further along by far than I was at age 11, hahaha, my point still stands. You've really gotta love the art of getting a good pollished recording as some times, it can be so tedious getting the sound you want it's not funny!

I wish I could tell you using different plugin bundles, or presets would do the magic abbra caddabra trick, but it wont. - I had to learn this the hard way.

Rather than learning all the nuts and bolts of each plugin though, I tend to use a different approach that a lot of people here on list probably will slap me across the face for saying, but I'm gonna do so anyway.

I definitely do learn the basics. Don't get me wrong. But do I get the difference in a soft knee and a hard knee? Do I get the difference in a sign wave and a sawtooth? Do I know the difference in white noise vs. pink noise, or brown noise? (Yes, those last two really do exist.) No. I don't, but I don't really need to entirely to that level of extent.

I know however what sound I am looking for, and enough of the basics that I can use my ears, and fiddle with the controls in the plug of my choice one by one until I find something fairly comprable.

Here's what you need to realize about presets: They'll definitely get you started, don't get me wrong. I agree with Oreo here. But, use them for what they are. A good annalogy I like using is the whole GPS factor. Having a good GPS app on your phone is great, but don't soly rely on it. What if the GPS takes you down a wrong route, or puts you right in the middle of a coldasack with construction? You, then have to know enough about your barings to be able to navigate around, and say, well, crap-ola. That didn't work, fine, let's try X or Y instead.

If you can send me maybe off list a bounced mp3 of something you've done, if you trust me enough, I'd be more than happy to take a listen, and let you know my true thoughts.

I don't feel confident enough to professionally teach someone how to use the basic plugs like E Q or compression, but I do know enough I'd be willing just for vollenteer free out of the goodness of my heart to work with you over Skype or the phone one on one, and help with the bit I do! know.

I don't do much during the day usually, so I'm usually around. I think I know enough I could at least get you started. And believe me. With me having a fairly moderate hearing impairment yet still being able to get a pretty decent sound, if I can do it, I know! you can beyond a doubt.

If I can be of any further help, do let me know. I can't promise you the sound you're looking for. I wish I could, but I can't. But I can at least promise I'll be willing to work with you and we can try.

My e-mail is:


BTW, what type music do you do, Danny?


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