OK, so, first off, if this has already recently been covered, forgive me. I'm a bit behind in my messages.

OK, let me set you up virtually with my situation, so we're all on the same page.

I have a session with, we'll just say, 2 tracks, doesn't matter if they're mono or stereo. What does however matter is, there needs to be at the very least, two audio tracks in the session, and both of them need to have at least some bit of audio recorded on them.

OK, let's say that one track has a music bed, and the other is my voiceover. By voiceover, I don't mean the screen reader. I'm meaning this in the audio sense of it's my recorded voice, or whoever doing the narration to go over the bed.

Now, say 10 seconds into the voiceover track, I want to paste with command+V some audio right smack dab in the middle of that second voiceover speech narration track. I don't want to touch the music bed though, that's the key.

So, in my track list table, I select the second track... the voice narration. I make sure the music bed is *not* selected.

Using my numpad, I move myself forward in the session until my playhead is where I wish to paste on to that voice track. You'd think, you could now hit command+V, and since the voice track is selected, I'd be good to go. It would insert what I pasted at that position, and would move everything there after along the grid ruler timeline to the right. Kind of like a ripple effect.

Unfortunately, that's not happening on my end. What's actually occuring is, it's pasting over the top of the audio where the new audio is being inserted.

So, say for example, that I pasted some audio on that speech track at 10 seconds into the session. The audio I pasted is 5 seconds long. So yes, at the 10 second mark, the audio I pasted would go on that second speech track, and would run up until the 15 second position of the session, but whatever used to be there within that 10 to 15 second timeframe prior to me pasting has now been replaced with the new audio which was pasted.

That's sometimes what I'd want, yes, but in this scenario, what I want is, the audio starting at the 10 second mark before I pasted anything, I want it shuttled/nudged forward to sit right after what I've just pasted. So since what I pasted was 5 seconds, and we pasted at the 10 second mark, essentially, everything from the 10 second mark before pasting anything there would get snapped forward to the 15 second mark, lined up right after what I'd pasted.

Hopefully, I'm making sense.

Essentially, I'm wanting to insert that pasted audio, not replace what was in it's prior position.

I haven't really ever done anything with nudging. I've never had a need to. Somehow, I don't think this is going to involve that. I'm probably making this way harder than it needs to be, and am overthinking this, but any help would be appreciated.


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