So, I've got 2 instrument tracks. One is Alecia's Keys through my Komplete Kontrol with the close auditorium preset I think it's called? It's literally like the 2nd or 3rd preset from the top, if that helps.

Then, I've got Embertone's Joshua Bell Violin on the 2nd track also with Komplete Kontrol. When I play in PT itself, things sounds fine. Even with a 2TB solid state drive, if I bounce, things are 99.99999 percent there, but with an offline bounce, the piano arpegios I'm doing seem to be ever so slightly chopping off. It's not as bad as when I had my 7200RPM drive by far! It's way way way better than that, but it is noticeable. I tried changing the piano to the American Concert D through Ivory, and also had this issue. I even tried with the free Kawaii X Player library, and had it. Hammersmith Free is doing it too. The violin seems to be fine, but yeah, the piano is not for some reason. The odd thing is, now after moving things to that SSD, in Logic, it's not giving me this issue, nor is it in Reaper. It's only happening in PT. So, yes, I did read the guide, and go through the included audio. I may have missed something, as there was a boatload of material covered, and I'll definitely go back and review bouncing audio, but is there something in the bounce dialog pertaining to making sure it doesn't cut off tails from my audio?

Oddly, if I end with a sustained arpegio chord, even that's cutting off prematurely, and not fully ringing through. Yeah, both tracks are selected in the track list table prior to bouncing, and yes, I did make sure everything was selected from beginning to end. I remember having this issue when using PT back in the days. I just don't recall what I did to fix it.


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