I get that these macros come with no lyability, no warranty, void where are prohibbited, blah blah blah, LOL! Just kidding with ya.

But in all seriousness, I got the Kontakt AAX macros to be used with Kontakt inside of ProTools. The only problem is, when I look at the macros group inside Keyboard Maestro on my mac, it appears that just like the stand alone macros for Kontakt, which by the way, do! work for me just fine, when I press CTRL+F, as in foxtrot, it should in theory Access the file menu. That isn't happening, unless Voiceover just doesn't say anything when you hit CTRL+F.

All I'm trying to do is load a non-NKS library directly into Kontakt on a stereo instrument track. For this task, I don't require access to any parameters or the like. I just need to get the preset loaded where it'll play.

I'm suspecting that either the plugin window isn't visible in such a way to the exact coordinants that these macros like, although that's highly unlikely, or we have an issue where those macros were written for an older version of Kontakt and don't work with the most up to date.

I should add that I'm using Kontakt full, not the Kontakt player. Could that be the issue? Also totally up to date with Keyboard Maestro, FloTools, and ProTools all 3, and yes, the macro group is definitely fully enabled. I checked.


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