I’m posting this message here to let everyone know that in the coming days we 
will lose our friend and colleague, Ed Gray. Ed has been a key figure at avid 
and, before that, Digidesign, for some 30 years. Ed was director of third-party 
partnering so he worked with all of the plug-in developers and auxiliary 
software products.

For many years, Ed has faced serious health challenges which stemmed mostly 
from diabetes. He started losing his vision about 20 years ago and has had 
essentially no useable sight for the last 10 years. His diabetes lead to kidney 
failure as well as a recent amputation of one leg just below the knee.

Despite dialysis treatments, his condition has continued to worsen. Most 
recently, he was enduring 3 treatments per week but continued to decline. He 
recently decided to stop his treatments. Doctors gave him about a week or so to 
live. He’s still with us but doesn’t have long at all.

when I spoke with him only 2 weeks ago, he hadn’t made his decision yet. As of 
a few days ago, he shared the news with friends and family. At this point, the 
community at large has learned of his situation. I’ve been in touch with him 
over the weekend and he asked me to share the news with blind Pro Tools users. 
His most recent message read:

“Slau, thank you for sending this wonderful note. It is nice to hear from you. 
I will be around for a few days next week and try to reach out to some of the 
gang but I hope you'll pass on word to the group of what is happening and tell 
them that I intentionally enjoyed working with them. I know that you and I have 
done a lot to open the door to visually impaired users to ProTools, and that 
the work, and the best moments by far are still yet to come. Love, ed.”

We’ll sorely miss him but will continue to work and honor his legacy as a 
champion of accessibility.  

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