
I've some issues with the GNU Pth and a multi-threaded, multi-servers,
multi-sessions C++ library.
This library is in a very very early stage but i need to have the threads
support running...
libyourserver is primary developped as the network layer of an RDBM which
comes from a school project.
I need you to resolv this problem ;)

The concept is simple :

- one or more servers threaded from a main application
- one or more sessions threaded by each server
- sessions can be :
  - accept waiting sessions (intermediate sessions)
  - simple clients sessions (old accept waiting sessions)
  - server to server communication sessions (old accept waiting sessions)


                                      | Session B |           --------------
                                       -----.-----           | Server |Two| |
                                           /                  -.------------
                         -----------      /                 . /
                        | Session A |    /              . /
                         -----.-----    /           . /
                              |        /        . /
                              |       /       /
                        |                     |                 -----------
                        |  Server |One|       |----------------| Session C |
                        |                     |                 -----------
                            .           |    \
                           .    --------.-------------
                          .    | Intermediate session |
                         .      ----------------------
                        .                        \                         
  ---------------------.---------                 .----------        
 |                               |               | Session D |
 |                               |                -----------
 |     Application               |
 |                               |                -----------
 |                               |               | Session E |
  ---------------------.---------                 .----------
                        .                        /
                         .      -----------------------
                          .    | Intermediate Session  |
                           .    --------.--------------
                            .           |    /
                       |                     |                  -----------
                       |  Server |Two|       .-----------------| Session F |
                       |                     |                  -----------
                             |      \        \
                             |       \         .
                        -----.-----   \          \
                       | Session H |   \          .
                        -----------     \           \
                                         \            .
                                     -----.-----        \
                                    | Session G  |        .
                                     -----------            \
                                                          | Server |One| |

Legend :

. . . . . . . .    =    server threads
. - - - - - - .    =    session threads
- . - . - . - .    =    server2server session threads


Since my library is written in C++, i've written two wrappers :

// Make a thread to encapsulate a server instance
ysrv_wrap_spawn_server (void* _params)
  server_spawn_params* params = (server_spawn_params*) _params;
  *params->server = new Server (params->config,
  return NULL;

// -----

// Make a thread to encapsulate a session instance
ysrv_wrap_spawn_session (void* _params)
  session_spawn_params* params = (session_spawn_params*) _params;
  *params->session = new Session (params->server,
  return NULL;

a call example :

  params->server     = &new_server->server;
  params->config     = this->config;
  params->eta_client = _ETA_client_func;
  params->eta_server = _ETA_server_func;
  params->retry      = _retry_msg;
  pth_attr_set(attr, PTH_ATTR_JOINABLE, FALSE);
  pth_attr_set(attr, PTH_ATTR_NAME, "Server");
  (void) pth_spawn (attr, ysrv_wrap_spawn_server, params);

with the params structure :

  // Server instance creation parameters
  typedef struct _server_spawn_params server_spawn_params;
  struct _server_spawn_params
    char* retry;
    Server** server;
    s_config* config;


session building steps :

1/ Make an application instance


2/ Create a first server - initialize network, listen

|Application| -thread-> |server|

2/ The server creation creates a new session instance, to accept connections

|Application| -thread-> |server| -thread-> |session1-accept|

3/ On incoming connection, session-accept is linked to the server as an
   etablished session, by Server::attach_session (Session*), who creates a
   new session-accept

|Application| -thread-> |server| -thread-> |session2-accept|

ALL threading processes are made by the two wrappers
void* ysrv_wrap_spawn_server  (void*);
void* ysrv_wrap_spawn_session (void*);


Then, i've got some issues :

consider that when a session is linked to the server, after successful accept,
the only next instructions which are executed are :

  pth_write (this->sock, "\n\nYou're connected...\n\n\n", 25);
  pth_sleep (5);

- if i put (for testing purpose only) a 'while (1) pth_sleep (5)' after each
  pth_spawn call, or only at the end of the wrappers, threading is 
  well done but pth_write is not executed :

mglcel@amnesty include-> telnet localhost 4242
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

and freeze..

- if i don't write the pth_sleep (5) after the pth_write (), and no pth_sleep
  while loop after each pth_spawn, all is ok but not very interesting..

- if i only write the pth_sleep (5) after the pth_write (), the first connexion
  is accepted and pth_write executed correctly but the program segfault on the
  next accept.

Have you some ideas to proceed or a few links or source code 
to help me please ?

If you have time to see my source code, i join it with this mail.
You could find the class hierarchie in libyourserver/src/OOTREE.
The library applciation cab be found in yourSQL/src/yoursqld

Thanks a lot for everything you can do to help me ;)


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