Hello, if pth-1.3.7 is configured with prefix /usr on Solaris, the auto- conf macros provided with Pth use pth-config to get the appropri- ate CFLAGS for the compile of an application that uses Pth. How- ever, this turns out to be -I/usr/include for prefix /usr. If the source to be compiled #includes stdarg.h and uses vastart, the Solaris version of this header is read in and the compiler com- plains about undefined builtin_va_alist. You would probably never suspect pth-config to be the culprit, as the same application will happily compile on Linux and FreeBSD, which have gcc as their native compiler, however. Fix: modify pth-config not to ever return -I/usr/include, so that platforms that are not fortunate enough to have gcc as their de- fault compiler do not force gcc to read the platform headers be- fore the gcc headers. Mit herzlichem Gruss Andreas Mueller ------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Andreas Mueller Beratung und Entwicklung Bubental 53, CH - 8852 Altendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Voice: +41 55 462 1483 Fax/Data: +41 55 462 1485 ------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________________ GNU Portable Threads (Pth) http://www.gnu.org/software/pth/ User Support Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Automated List Manager (Majordomo) [EMAIL PROTECTED]