[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul A Crosby) writes:

> I've been building a DE simulation of job assignment in a PC cluster using
> Ptolemy II under RedHat 7.2. I've put it together in Vergil using my own
> Actors, and it seems to be working the way I want it to. However I'd like
> to run it about 1000 times, and I don't want to do this by hand each time. 
> There doesn't seem to be an "iterations" option like the the SDF domain
> has for DE. Is there anything simple I can do here, or will I have to work
> out how to use Ptjacl? I'm still quite naive about all of this, so
> apologies if I'm missing something obvious. 
> I'd be grateful for any suggestions here.
> Thanks,
> Paul Crosby

I might be missing the point here, but DE is a timed domain, so
a simulation runs for a particular amount of time.  The DE Director
a start time and a stop time, which can be synchronized to real time.

The design doc at
has the details.

Now, if what you are tring to do is repeat the same simulation 1000
times, then that is a slightly different.  Say your DE demo
has a start time of 0.0 and a stop time of 100.0 and is not
synchronized to real time.  The DE Inspection demo is like this.

I have some notes about how create a class called
MoMLSimpleApplication that will read in a .xml file and run it.
The notes are at

You could probably adapt that class so that you could run
it from a command line.  If your shell has the 'repeat'
built-in, then you could do something like:

repeat 2 $PTII/bin/ptinvoke ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleApplication 

Or, you could hack up a shell script.

Note that if the demo is graphical, then MoMLSimpleApplication might
not automatically exit.  This is probably a bug.  One hack would be to 
try using the -test code that is in ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication 
that is supposed to kill the process after 2 seconds.  You could also
use a Timer.

To use ptjacl, check out the createAndExecute proc in

cxh@cooley 144% cd $PTII
cxh@cooley 145% cat t.tcl
proc createAndExecute {file} {
    set parser [java::new ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser]
    set toplevel [java::cast ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor \
            [$parser parseFile $file]]
    set manager [java::new ptolemy.actor.Manager \
            [$toplevel workspace] "manager"]
    $toplevel setManager $manager
    # Success is just not throwing an exception.
    $manager execute

for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
    createAndExecute ptolemy/domains/de/test/auto/multirate.xml
cxh@cooley 146% $PTII/bin/ptjacl
"-Dptolemy.ptII.dir=/home/eecs/cxh/ptII" -classpath 
% source t.tcl
254 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 1708K (49%)
62 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 1917K (54%)
136 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 2162K (61%)
217 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 701K (20%)
78 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 1128K (32%)
45 ms. Memory: 3904K Free: 1703K (44%)
195 ms. Memory: 3904K Free: 242K (6%)
149 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 1664K (47%)
63 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 1854K (53%)
102 ms. Memory: 3520K Free: 2107K (60%)
% exit
cxh@cooley 147% 

There are some notes about ptjacl at


Christopher Hylands    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Ptolemy/Gigascale Silicon Research Center     US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739           Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010                           (Office: 400A Cory)

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