Hi Efrat,


will provide what you need. Connect both output to this actor, and connect this actor to the (single) VariableSetter. The token on the second channel will not be taken by the Commutator as long as the first becomes processed.


On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Efrat Frank wrote:

Hi all,

In the attached workflow I'm using 2 variable setters to update the value of the same parameter. I'm updating the variable twice so that if the lower part of the workflow fails, the output variable will hold the value of the upper part (see image). But, if both parts run successfully they race over which is going to update first.. This workflow cannot use SDF and when using PN, I cannot guarantee that 'Variable Setter 2' will execute prior to 'Variable Setter 1'. Since this is a sink actor, I can't use triggers either.

Is there a way to decide this race in PN? Could it be solved using a different director?

Thanks a lot,


     Norbert Podhorszki
     University of California, Davis
     Department of Computer Science
     1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
     Davis, CA 95616
     (530) 754-8188

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