Hi Saeed,
I'm not totally sure I understand the bug.  Type conversion
in record tokens is subtle. The RecordType class comment says:
 Note that a record type with more fields is a subtype of a record
 type with a subset of the fields.  For example, {x = double, y = int}
 is a subtype of {x = double}. When a record of type
 {x = double, y = int} is converted to one of type {x = double},
 the extra field is discarded. The converted record, therefore,
 will have exactly the fields in the type.

 A consequence of this is that all record types are subtypes
 of the empty record type. Hence, to require that a typeable
 object be a record type without specifying what the fields
 are, use

 typeable.setTypeAtMost(new RecordType(new String[0], new Type[0]));

 Note, however, that by itself this type constraint will
 not be useful because it does not, by itself, prevent the
 type from resolving to unknown (the unknown type is at the
 bottom of the type lattice, and hence satisfies this type


My reading of the above, which I may have wrong, is that conversion
from {x = double, y = int} to {x = double} is ok, but conversion
from {x = double} to {x = double, y = int} is not permitted.

In your error, it looks like the "from" token does not have a 
MES field, hence the error.

You say you have four different record types.  Perhaps you need to
define your own token type that can handle these different record
types? See ptolemy/data/type/test/TestToken.java and
ptolemy/actor/lib/security/KeyToken.java for sample Token
implementations.  You would need to extend RecordToken and do quite a
bit of work in the convert() method to get things right.  Another hack
is to pass ObjectTokens around instead of RecordTokens.  Then you lose
the type safety of RecordTokens, but things just work.

>From your stack trace, it looks like you are running Ptolemy II 5.x.
Can you update to Ptolemy II 6.0.1?



    Dear Reader 
    According to previous question i send it and also i tested it again
    i send results.
    I want to have an TypedIOPort that sends messages to other
    actors. but my messages have 4 different record types that fields of
    each message varies with others.
    i did many works but i failed.
    for each message type i use such type changeing for output Port.
    for example i did in fire method of my actor as below
      String[] labels =   {"TID" , "NAP" , "LID" , "SLID" , "MES"}; 
      Token[] values = { TID, new IntToken(_NodeID) , new IntToken(_NodeID), 
    new IntToken(_NHval) , new IntToken(_AEval) };
                        Token result = new RecordToken(labels, values);
                        Type t = result.getType();
    but when in next token i want to change type of message
    i see error message as below:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Conversion is not supported from 
    ptolemy.data.RecordToken '{AE = 0, LID = 0, NAP = 0, NH = 1, TID = {INS 
    = 43947, LI = 9, MT = 0, SN = 1, TLOC = {100, 43}}}' to the type {LID = 
    int, MES = int, NAP = int, SLID = int, TID = {INS = int, LI = int, MT = 
    int, SN = int, TLOC = {int}}}.
       at ptolemy.data.type.RecordType.convert(RecordType.java:153)
       at ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.convert(TypedIOPort.java:322)
       at ptolemy.actor.AbstractReceiver.putToAll
       at ptolemy.actor.IOPort.send(IOPort.java:2344)
       at ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.send(TypedIOPort.java:468)
       at ptolemy.domains.wireless.lib.SSensor.fire(SSensor.java:116)
       at ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector.fire(DEDirector.java:507)
       at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:331)
       at ptolemy.domains.de.kernel.DEDirector.fire(DEDirector.java:507)
       at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:331)
       at ptolemy.actor.Manager.iterate(Manager.java:668)
       at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:327)
       at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:1044)
       at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1085)
                        Type t = result.getType();
                        Type  s = output.getType();
                    //    attributeChanged( outputType);
                        String  St= new String(s.toString()+"SMessage");
                        Token  Sta = new StringToken(St);
    i added new port and tested the effect of setTypeEquals(t) excution
    output.getType() instruction showed me that this instruction works
    properly but in running example each time i see that my port works
    with previous type setting not currently applied setting.
    i see that i can't change type of my output before sending message
      with best regards
        Saeid Pashazadeh
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