Hi Saeid
I'm not sure I understand.
The real world is not single threaded.  When a radio sends out a
message,  the receivers all receive the message simultaneously.

(This is not strictly true, since the receivers are different distances
from the the transmitter, so they receive the messages at slightly
different times, but for the sake of argument say that two receivers
are the same distance from the transmitter.)

I'm not that familiar with Visualsense, but you say that you have
to cache all the messages.  Why is that?  Maybe looking at the
wireless Small World demo would help?



    Dear Reader
    I have a simple question and are looking for simple answer for it.
    I do simulation with visual sense. I designed TypedAtomicActors as my 
    sensors. My sensor can send and recieve Messages ( Packets ) using
    input and output ports. I also send message using LimitedRangeCannel.
    I noticed that when my sensor gives a message from input port and send a 
    message in fire method from output port, i get sent message from input.
    My sensors get all messages that it send. In real world in single 
    threading computation we don't have such situation.
    In My model, number of messages are very high and is difficult work that 
    i cache all messages that i send and then search in fire method when i 
    get an input message. what you suggest for me?
    with best regards
       Saeid pashazadeh
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