
Building Ptolemy Classic is a little tricky and requires extensive
knowledge about Linux, C and linking.  I recently built Ptolemy
Classic under Linux, my notes are at

The instructions use the CVS version of Ptolemy, not Ptolemy 0.7.1.

I've not built Polis in many years.

So, what you are trying to do is fairly difficult, even for
an expert in Linux and C.

It looks like the problem you are having is that the PTARCH
environment variable has not been set.  I should be set to "linux".
If you are running under bash:
export PTARCH=linux

The ptarch file should return the architecture, in this case "linux".
Instead of 
export PTARCH=linux
you could do
export PTARCH=`$PTOLEMY/bin/ptarch`

Why don't you take a look at
and try the install from those instructions.

However, I have no idea if Polis will work with Ptolemy 0.7.2.



        I want to use ptolemy 071 with POLIS 04 on a Fedoracore6 Linux machine.
    I'm having problems while installing Ptolemy 071. Since I am not familiar w
    linux i can not fix the problems. During installation there occurs errors l
    MAKEARCH: line 349: cd:
    /users/ptolemy/obj.'/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch'/octtools/vem: No such file
    or directory
    MAKEARCH: line 362: cd: /users/ptolemy/obj.'/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch': No
    such file or directory
    touch: cannot touch `/users/ptolemy/obj.'/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch'': No
    such file or directory
    make: *** [obj.'/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch'] Error 1
          And when i try to start pigi, it gives this error :
     pigi: Warning: $PTARCH == ''/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch'',
          but there is no makefile for this architecture.
    pigi: /users/ptolemy/bin.'/users/ptolemy/bin/ptarch'/pigiRpc does not exist
    or is not executable.
          There exists a file named ptarch. But i could not understand what it 
    for. So i am asking for your help.
           Thank you.
           Ali Can Atici
           Istanbul Technical University
           Electronics Engineering
           Istanbul/ Turkey
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