Yep, it looks like Ptolemy II 6.0.2 does not compile with Java 1.6.
The fix is not a simple fix.  Steve's changes to array that add
sizes to arrays fixed the problem.  That change is not a simple change
to patch in.

Try using the Ptolemy II cvs distribution with Java 1.6.
For instructions, see:

I'll see about a fix.


    I try to install Ptolemy II source to add new actors to Kepler but i get
    lots of error messages as,
    fast build with 'CLASSPATH="../../../.."
    /SFS/users/turuncu/progs/jdk1.6.0_02/bin/javac -g -O *.java' in
    ../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable this
    cannot be referenced from a static context
            private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new
    ElementTypeTerm() {
    ../../../../ptolemy/data/type/ non-static variable this
    cannot be referenced from a static context
            private InequalityTerm _replacementElementTerm = new
    ElementTypeTerm() {
    Note: ../../../../ptolemy/data/expr/ uses or
    overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    2 errors
    i am using Redhat Linux AS 4.0 in EM64T machine and latest version of java
    SDK (1.6.0). How can i solve the problem.
    Best regards,
    Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu
    ITU, Informatics Institute
    HPC Lab
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