Hi Norbert,
I have been examining your problem. Yes, the Ptolemy workflow works for me under Kepler and the Kepler version does not. But how was the Kepler version built? I can save the Ptolemy wf in Kepler and the port types are not set (i.e. the wf works). There is no NondeterministicMerge actor in the Kepler actor list, so I had to use the menu 'Tools/Instantiate Component' to get it to appear in Kepler. Still no problem with the port types! Was the NondeterministicMerge actor somehow added to Kepler's actor list?

Dan Higgins


Norbert Podhorszki wrote:
We have hit a type problem in Kepler with Bruce while playing with the NondeterministicMerge actor and then found an interesting and annoying difference between the type checking in Kepler and Ptolemy. Now we know how to solve the problem by specifying the types manually but still we wonder if this is a bug or just a side-effect how Kepler stores actors in its xml.

The model
In the attached examples, there is a simple pipeline

   Record Assembler  ---  Nondet.Merge  ---  Record Disassembler

i.e. we want to push record tokens through the model.
The Ptolemy version (built under Ptolemy) works as expected, even under Kepler. The Kepler version, however, does not run because we get an error from the type checker:

ptolemy.kernel.util.InternalErrorException: Type resolution failed because
    of an error during type inference
       in .NondetMerge_TypeError_Kepler
    Invalid type for input port
       in .NondetMerge_TypeError_Kepler.Record Disassembler

The difference
Replacing the NondeterministicMerge entity manually in the Kepler workflow xml with the entity in the Ptolemy model (see NondetMerge_TypeError_KP.xml), the error disappears.

The difference between the two entities is that while Ptolemy only declares the class <entity name="NondeterministicMerge" class="ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge"> <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[350.0, 160.0]">

Kepler enumerates the ports and their types as well, which, in the case of NondeterministicMerge are 'general'. <entity name="NondeterministicMerge" class="ptolemy.domains.pn.kernel.NondeterministicMerge"> <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[350.0, 160.0]">
        <port name="input" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort">
            <property name="input"/>
            <property name="multiport"/>
<property name="_type" class="ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute" value="general">
        <port name="output" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort">
            <property name="output"/>
<property name="_type" class="ptolemy.actor.TypeAttribute" value="general">

The manual solution
AFAIK, the type checker then will not climb down from the top 'general' to find that always just RecordType tokens will be emitted. If we set the types of the input and output ports of the actor to our specific record type in the GUI, then it works again.

Then why do we complain?
First of all we wonder if this is necessary to be this way in Kepler.
Second, how many actors may be there that can bring such a surprise to the developer.

Third, no one should wonder that the beginner developer is completely lost since he does not understand the Ptolemy error message, and actually he made nothing wrong, so after crawling through the hopeless route down to hell, desperately looks for advise from an experienced developer, who also has no idea. Lots of trials, small test examples and changing from Kepler to Ptolemy for counter-testing reveals what's wrong (since the error message does not reveal it) and finally the solution come. Since the beginner developer committed nothing wrong, it would be good not to get into such situation.

Oh and yes, I know that he should not go with the nondet merge at all and I will help him to create a DDF solution for his problem. Eventually. ;-)

Best regards

     Norbert Podhorszki
     University of California, Davis
     Department of Computer Science
     1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
     Davis, CA 95616
     (530) 752-5076

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