Hi Richard,

I had a look at this and I'm having a hard time reproducing it.
That doesn't mean it is not a bug, it just means I can't reproduce
it. :-)

Stephen Neuendorffer suspects that what you report is indeed a bug,
but until I can reproduce it, I can't fix it.

What I did was create
which parses
and then executes it twice.  I'm not seeing the rate variables
changing with each run, but I'm probably not doing something
that you are doing.

One twist is that I created
which extends SDFScheduler and has a method:

    public List getRateVariables() {
        return _rateVariables;

I explicitly set the scheduler to an instance of SDFTestScheduler.java

The tcl code in StringCompare.tcl looks like this:

test StringCompare-1.1 {test PortParameter memory leak} {
    set workspace [java::new ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace "pubWS"]
    set parser [java::new ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser $workspace]
    $parser setMoMLFilters [java::null]
    $parser addMoMLFilters \
            [java::call ptolemy.moml.filter.BackwardCompatibility allFilters]

    $parser addMoMLFilter [java::new \
    set url [[java::new java.io.File "auto/StringCompare.xml"] toURL]
    $parser purgeModelRecord $url
    set model [java::cast ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor \
                   [$parser {parse java.net.URL java.net.URL} \
                        [java::null] $url]]
    set director [java::cast ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector [$model 
    set scheduler [java::new ptolemy.actor.lib.string.test.SDFTestScheduler \
        $director "MySDFTestScheduler"]
    $director setScheduler $scheduler 
    #set scheduler [java::cast ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFScheduler 
[$director getScheduler]]
    set manager [java::new ptolemy.actor.Manager $workspace "MyManager"]
    $model setManager $manager 
    $manager execute
    set rateVariables [$scheduler getRateVariables]
    set r1 [listToNames $rateVariables]
    $manager execute
    set rateVariables [$scheduler getRateVariables]
    set r2 [listToNames $rateVariables]
    list $r1 $r2
} {{tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate} {tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate 
tokenConsumptionRate tokenConsumptionRate}}

If SDFScheduler._rateVariables was growing, I would expect its length 
to grow.

The above files are checked in to cvs, so you could check them out,
see http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal

I tried the above test under the cvs devel version of Ptolemy II
and under Ptolemy II 6.0.2 and got the same results: the _rateVariables
variable did not change in size.

So, what am I doing wrong?  I'm not sure about your ModelManager
and if it is the same as ptolemy.actor.manager.  

Do you have a small test case that illustrates the growth problem?

Also, what version of Ptolemy are you using?



> Hi ptolemy hackers,
> In our situation we have embedded part of the Ptolemy kernel in our
> application, parsing models using an instantiated MoMLParser and
> executing models using a ModelManager. We have been doing this for
> some time for many constructed models, without any problems. Last week
> I constructed a SDF model which includes a StringCompare actor. When
> repeatedly executing the model, reusing the objectgraph constructed
> during model parsing, I ran into some memory problems.
> We started profiling our application and found out that memory use
> increases during every new model execution. However this is only the
> case when executing the SDF model that includes the StringCompare
> actor. Pin-pointing the problem further We found out that the
> PortParameters of the StringCompare actor (first/second string) are
> stored as rate variables (linkedlist) in the SDFScheduler. After every
> execution of the model graph, the size of the rate variables list
> increases by new added PortParameters. Note that before each model
> execution the model manager is properly initialized and the
> initialize()/preinitialize() methods of actors are invoked.
> Because the model is initialized before execution I would expect that
> the rate variables list of the SDFScheduler is cleared during
> initialization (or during the wrapup of the last execution). However
> this is not the case. Scanning the sourcecode of the SDFScheduler and
> base classes I found no trace of code that properly clears the rate
> variables list.
> In order to make sure that our problem is caused by the memory use of
> the SDFScheduler we subclassed the SDFScheduler and overrrided the
> preinitialize() method by this code:
>  public void preinitialize() throws IllegalActionException {
>         try {
>             getScheduler().setContainer(null);
>             new SDFScheduler(this, uniqueName("Scheduler"));
>         } catch (NameDuplicationException e) {
>             throw new IllegalActionException(e.getMessage());
>         }
>         super.preinitialize();
>     }
> This code removes the current scheduler from the model container and
> instantiates a new SDFScheduler with a clean rate variables list. This
> patch solves our memory problem.
> I don't know if the SDFDirector and SDFScheduler has been designed
> with object reuse in mind, many actor classes do because they include
> proper initialize and wrapup code.
> Kind regards,
> Richard van der Laan, luminis
> TheWeb: http://www.luminis.nl

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