1) It would be frowned on, wouldn't it, for one actor
to fire another "directly" by calling fireAt(), fireAtRelativeTime()
or fireAtCurrentTime() and giving a reference to the target
actor as an argument to the method call?  I figure it would
be frowned on, because in the Ptolemy model actors
communicate with other actors only through their ports, and
shouldn't be directly aware of other actor objects.

 The correct approach would be to design my model as a
whole so that the actor communicates with others by sending
event-tokens through its output ports, right?

 2) In the DE domain, I've read about "pure-event" tokens
(and so far, that's all I've used).  How do I instantiate a token
that contains both a bit of data and a time-stamp?  Is there a
particular page in one of the documents that I should have
paid more attention to?

 3) Is there a way, in the actor's fire method, to instantiate and
send an event-token whose time-stamp is in the future?  All
your examples seem to take a different approach:  the actor
requests <I>itself</I> to be fired in the future, and on that firing, it sends
the usual kind of event-token, one with a present-time-stamp.

 Am I trying to do something frowned on again?  ;)


    Rich Ware

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