Hello all:
Firsly, excuse me because my english isn't the best.

I have 2 problems with Ptolemy 0.7:

1) I have a program with 45.000 lines, and at the moment of using the command
make-star, popup an error window, telling to me that it cannot read a file in
the directory /tmp

My Linux's partition has 700Mbytes, and it's 17% of using. Then, I think it
isn't of lack of memory.
could you tell me what is the problem? and, what is the solution?

2) I made a universe with many blocks. When I run an application with that
universe, appears an error with the connections of the blocks. I tried to
change these connections but it tolds me that argument has been corrupted.
Then, I repeated the universe with other name (this solution had before been
succesfuly in other similar problem). But, when I typed the command
make-schem-icon, in the window of vem console appears the next:

An serious OCT error occured processing an RPC request: OctGetByname: The
arguments has been corrupted.
RPC Error: server: bad OCT request.
Closing Application /usr/ptolemy/lib/pigiRpcShell on host debian

What can I do?

Thanks for any help

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