Hello all,

I have written a simulation using pigi and now want
to run it without the graphical user interface (Tcl/Tk
stars would be fine). This simulation uses FSM.

If I start ptcl with the pigiLog.pt from the last interactive
simulation, ptcl complains about the FSM stars. Hence
the questions: 
- Is it possible to use FSM in ptcl?
- Is there another way to run that simulation
  without displaying the graphical environment?
- Is there a way to use Tk in a simulation outside
  the graphical environment?

I recall I read somewhere in the documentation that
there was a third alternative to pigi and ptcl, which
included Tk (tycho?). Unfortunately I could not find
the location again.

Thanks for your help,

Thomas Wuensche

PS: Sorry, if that appears twice, I didn't see it the
    first time
EMS Dr. Thomas Wuensche
Phone: +49-8441-490260
Fax    +49-8441-81860

Visit also our web-site at http://www.ems-wuensche.com/

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