Appendix A of the User's manual has some info about how to track this
sort of thing down with nm and c++filt
Most of the missing symbols have to do with virtual tables.
cxh@maury 206% echo _vt.11CGDLXTarget | c++filt
CGDLXTarget virtual table
I think I've seen similar messages when libraries are compiled with
different levels of optimization.
I have followed the instructions, to create a pigiRpc with my own
CG-Domain, of the programmer`s manual on page 15-12.
When I do
cd $PTOLEMY/obj.$PTARCH/pigiRpc; make
I get the following error message
echo char '*gVersion = "Version:' 0.7p1. \
"CGDLX Domain" \
'%created' `date` '";' | sed 's/%/\\n/g' > version.c
echo "char DEFAULT_DOMAIN[] = \"CGDLX\";" \
>> version.c
gcc -c version.c
g++ -L../../lib.sol2.5
-Wl,-s pigiMain.o palettes.pigiRpc.o
../../obj.sol2.5/pigilib/ptkRegisterCmds.o -lcgdlxstars -lcgdlx
-lcg56targets -lcg56dspstars -lcg56stars -lcg56 -lddfstars -lddf
-ldetclstars -ldestars -lde -lcgcmultitargets -lcgctargets -lcgcdspstars
-lcgcstars -lcgc -lMacro -lDC -lHu -lDL -lHier -lcgddf -lPar -lcgstars
-lcg -lsdfdfmstars -lsdftclstars -lsdfdspstars -lsdfimagestars
-lsdfmatrixstars -lsdfmatlabstars -lsdfcontribstars -lsdfcontrib
-lsdfstars -lbdf -lLS -lsdf -lhofstars -lhof -L../../octtools/lib.sol2.5
-lpigi -lrpc -loh -lvov -llist -lutility -lst -lerrtrap -luprintf -lptk
-L../../tcltk/itcl.sol2.5/lib/itcl -litk2.2
-L../../tcltk/itcl.sol2.5/lib/itcl -ltk4.2i -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11
version.o -lptcl -lptdsp -lexttools -lptmatlab -lptmathematica -lptolemy
-L../../tcltk/itcl.sol2.5/lib/itcl -litcl2.2
-L../../tcltk/itcl.sol2.5/lib/itcl -ltcl7.6i
-L/home/henze/Ptolemy/gnu/sol2.5/lib -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lg++ -lm -o
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
addCGDLXOne__11CGDLXTargetP6TargetP6Galaxy ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.11CGDLXTarget ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.16CGDLXtoUniversal.11InCGDLXPort ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.16MultiHePaDlxPort ../../lib.sol2.5/
CGDLX_ONE ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.18CGDLXfromUniversal ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.16CGDLXtoUniversal ../../lib.sol2.5/
__15HePaDlxPortHole ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.9DLXMemory ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.18CGDLXfromUniversal.12OutCGDLXPort ../../lib.sol2.5/
_vt.15HePaDlxPortHole ../../lib.sol2.5/
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to pigiRpc
make: *** [pigiRpc] Error 1
Michael Henze
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