Pavel Sedivy wrote:
> I have some troubles with ptolemy 0.7.1. I have upgraded Linux instalation
> from RH5.2 to RH6.0. From that time ptolemy doesn't work. (only VEM
> commands window and window with init.pal  appear. I'm not able to open
> palettes and other facets.
> I would like to ask you about way to run correctly ptolemy on Red Hat 6.0.
>     thank you very much
>         Pavel Sedivy
>         Phd student, Department of radioelectronics
>         Czech technical university in Prague
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
> mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Pavel:

The RH5.x Ptolemy binaries will not run under RH6.0. Look in for new RH-6.0
packages. In any case, read the file KNOWN_BUGS before installing. DO NOT try
to uninstall or upgrade Ptolemy before downgrading rpm!

Best regards,

PS: I did not yet find time to write the installation notes. 
Wolfgang Reimer (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Ilmenau  -  Ilmenau Technical University
Address: TU Ilmenau, FEI/IKM, PF 100565, 98684 Ilmenau, GERMANY  Phone: +49-3677-69-2619
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax  : +49-3677-69-1195

V I R T U A L     P H O T O N I C S     I N C O R P O R A T E D
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Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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