I'm student in VietNam, I 'm studying to use the software PTOLEMY . Please, do me a favour.
I read many time your program manual about  "Adding stars dynamically to Ptolemy", tryed do it, but I didn't succed.
Problem is that, when I copied a star in library (for example, SDFsin.pl) and did as You instructed.
Every seems OK, but after making-star, the icon of star didn't appear, in the vem windows there is a message :"Debug : star is not known, trying to load...".
I closed the pigi, restar a gain (in my own directory, where I placed my new star and my facet), but the facet is empty, there is no icon.
Please, explain me what happens, How I should do for overcoming it .
Thank a lot.
I looking forward to hearing yor help.
Yours sincerely. 

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