
thanks again for your help. I get the next error message:
"     + onintr catch
      onintr: not found
      /users/ptolemy/bin/pigi:18 Syntax error: word unexpected       
(expecting "then")

If I only write "pigi &", the message is:
"bash: /users/ptolemy/bin/pigi: Not such file or directory"

Juan Carlos.

>Make sure that you copied the bash.exe binary to /bin/sh.exe
>      mkdir /tmp /bin /etc
>      cp /Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe /bin/sh.exe
>      cp /Cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe /bin/bash.exe
>If /bin/sh.exe is present, then try
>/bin/sh -x /users/ptolemy/bin/pigi
>and see what comes up
>     Hello (again :)),
>     in despite of my last message about my problems for a succesful
>     installation of Ptolemy over Windows NT, I try to run pigi and I get
>     the next error message:
>          "bash: /users/ptolemy/bin/pigi: Not such file or directory"
>     I have checked that:
>     a) "/users/ptolemy/bin/pigi" really exists, and it is a link to
>     another file called pigiEnv.csh in the same folder.
>     b) PTOLEMY variable is set ok.
>     c) PTOLEMY/bin is set in the path. (Anyway I have also tryid to run
>     pigi going to that folder with cd /users/ptolemy/bin)
>     d) The X Server (MI/X) (MicroImages X server)) was succesfully
>     installed because I have run the xclock and xterm succesfully.
>     I can't imagine what is the problem, but I am sure is something very
>     very easy... Can anybody help me?
>     Thank you very much in advance,
>     JCarlos.
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