One possible solution would be to use for your

Another solution is to look at what Ptolemy II 0.4beta does.

Ptolemy II 0.4beta uses Ptplot4.1, and it plots continuous signals,
see for example the Communications demo at

The key to this demo is the setPointsPersistence method in

    /** Calling this method with a positive argument sets the
     *  persistence of the plot to the given number of points.  Calling
     *  with a zero argument turns off this feature, reverting to
     *  infinite memory (unless sweeps persistence is set).  If both
     *  sweeps and points persistence are set then sweeps take
     *  precedence.
    public void setPointsPersistence(int persistence) {

Ptplot4.1 has not yet been released as a separate release, and it
requires Swing, but you might want to poke around with 4.1
and the setPointsPersistence method


    Hello all!
    Iam new to this list..
    recently i downloaded ptolemy 3.1 pkg..
    My application demands "on line trends", with high rate of data plotting..
    3000 points per 10 seconds.. at a time and it is a contineous process..
    I found after some time all resources got exhausted, because of contineous 
   "new statements( plotpoint)",
        then i tried to erase points after every 10 secs.. but the trends are n
   ot clearing properly, and it was terrific slow.. on my WIN NT4.0 SP5 64 MB r
    Pentium 166 processor..
    can anybody find this kind of problem, earlier.. or any shareware/freeware 
   avaiable for this kind of applications( where fast trenind possible)
    thanks in advance.
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