Incremental linking is not supported under NT, so cgc/sdf wormholes
will not work.
Incremental linking still fails 

         Error: Error in creating shared object, command failed: g++
         -shared -o /tmp/ /usr/cxh/src/pt/SDFMyRamp.o

     In brief, the problem is that incremental linking of user stars
     is broken in the NT port. In the past, I've tried to build a shared
     library version of Ptolemy
     under NT, but had various problems with the constructors etc. 

     The alternative to building a shared library version is to build
     a static version of pigiRpc, which is what is currently built under
     NT. The problem with a
     static pigiRpc is that incremental linking is tricky. We had it
     working under SunOS years ago with the BSD ld -a flag, but it looks
     like that is not supported 

     The binutils2-9.1/ld/TODO file says: 

     Support the "traditional" BSD  -A flag (incremental loading).
     (There is a -A flag in ld now, but it is used to specify the
     architecture.  That should probably be changed.)

     One workaround would be to avoid incrementally linking your stars
     and instead build a pigiRpc that had the stars built in. The way to do
     this is to create
     a makefile for your stars, build a library and then modify
     $PTOLEMY/mk/ so that your stars are built in. The programmer's
     manual has some info about this, see also $PTOLEMY/src/pigiExample 



    I have compiled Ptolemy for WindowsNT platform using the Cygnus compiler. I
    am trying to run a wormhole example, using SDF as the outer domain and CGC 
    embedded within. If i set the target for cgc to default-cgc, the resulting 
    .c file gives errors on compilation. in the demos shipped with Ptolemy 
    Classic 0.7, the wormhole examples use the CreateSDFStar target, which 
    creates the obj file for the cgc part and uses incremental linking for 
    linking with the running exe of ptolemy. However it appears that 
    incremental linking is not yet supported for the NT platform..!!So is there
    are way in which the NT users can use the cgc in wormholes??
    Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
    mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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