Basically, you are running Ptolemy Classic with the Java version of

One workaround is to build the X11 version of pxgraph and use that
instead.  $PTOLEMY/src/pxgraph/README.txt discusses this:

Version: @(#)README.txt 1.3 01/28/99

In Ptolemy 0.7.1 and later, the X11 version of pxgraph has been replaced
with a Java version.

The Java pxgraph sources are in $PTOLEMY/tycho/java/ptplot.
The Java pxgraph binary is installed as $PTOLEMY/bin.$PTARCH/pxgraph

The X11 pxgraph sources in in $PTOLEMY/src/pxgraph/pxgraph.
The X11 pxgraph binary is installed as $PTOLEMY/bin.$PTARCH/pxgraph.x11

$PTOLEMY/bin/pxgraph is a script that reads the value of the
PT_USE_X11_PXGRAPH environment variable.  If that variable is
set, then X11 version is used.  If it is not set, then
the Java version is used

To set the PT_USE_X11_PXGRAPH environment variable, add the following
line to your .cshrc
           setenv PT_USE_X11_PXGRAPH yes

or edit $PTOLEMY/bin/pxgraph and uncomment the line that sets
that variable.

Note that for this script to work, $PTOLEMY/bin needs to be in your
path earlier than $PTOLEMY/bin.$PTARCH.

My guess is that you are running a 1.0 version of the Java Virtual
Machine, I believe that setLocation was introduced in JDK 1.1.
So, another approach would be to upgrade your JVM to JDK1.1.


    Question from a beginner:
    I try to run the demo sinMod from the SDF domain and I get a problem
    with Java :
    /udd2/PTOLEMY2/ptolemy/lib/pigiRpcShell :0.0 ossau 43539 inet 1 2 3 4 16909
   060 &
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.awt.Component: method setLocation(Ljava/a
   wt/Point;)V not found
            at ptplot.Pxgraph._parseArgs(
            at ptplot.Pxgraph.<init>(
            at ptplot.Pxgraph.main(
    I cannot find why. The JAVAHOME variable is properly set. The same error ap
   pears even after
    running source $PTOLEMY/.cshrc.
    When running pxgraph alone on an example, I get a result (but some of the b
   uttons do not work: I
    get error messages as above).
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Guy DURRIEU  ONERA/TIS/DTIM                tel    (33)
    CERT, 2, avenue Edouard Belin  B.P. 4025   fax    (33)
    31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 FRANCE              e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
    mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • pxgraph Guy Durrieu
    • Christopher Hylands

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