I have a problem running optfir within Ptolemy. I'm currently running Linux
Mandrake 7.0 and am relatively new to the system. The problem is that when I
run pigi everything seems to work fine, however when I came to set some
parameter for a filter within a schematic, I came across a problem. After
pressing the '>' over the filter icon, nothing happened. In the VEM window I
get the following message, but nothing other than this happens:

This is VEM version 8-2.Z (made 2-Aug-99)
Log file is /dev/null
Reading cell 
init.pal:schematic:contents.../usr/local/ptolemy-0.7.1p1.inst/lib/pigiRpcShell :0.0 
localhost.localdomain 14857 inet 1 2 3 4 67305985 
&/usr/local/ptolemy-0.7.1p1.inst/lib/pigiRpcShell running on host localhost.localdomain
vem> PIGI is running
vem> Version: 0.7.1p1.pigiRpc With All Common Domains 
created Mon Aug 2 23:34:28 CEST 1999 
Running /usr/local/ptolemy-0.7.1p1.inst/bin.linux/pigiRpc, 14367
: open-facet
vem> open-facet finished 
vem> :  window FIR
vem> Debug: xterm -display :0.0 -name Equirriple_FIR_design -e wfir &
window FIR design finished 

        I therefore ran optfir directly from X-termminal, only to find out that it
seems to be working fine. I therefore came to the conclusion that the problem
must be from running optfir through ptolemy. I therefore ran ptolemy through an
X-terminal window to see if any error messages are generated there when '>' is
pressed. I did in fact discover that the following error messege was being
generated in the X-terminal:

xterm: error in loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory  -terminal:

        However I have no idea how I can solve this problem. If anyone has any
ideas, or has experienced this problem before please do not hesitate to contact
me. I installed Ptolemy from the redhat RPM's if that is of any relevance.
Joseph Borg

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