Hi Hyeran Lim,

this is something related to the new compiler, the new one takes this
missing type in the definition as an error an some older compiler produced
just warnings or not even a message. We had the same problem, I took a
note on what I did some months ago to fix this, maybe you ask you
sys-admin to do this for you.

- changed $PTOLEMY/src/kernel/PortHole.h, line 346:
        // the following function may set indices
        friend int setPortIndices(Galaxy&);  // "int" added by Kai Below

- changed $PTOLEMY/src/kernel/Star.h, line 109:
        friend int setStarIndices(Galaxy&);  // "int" added by Kai Below

- changed $PTOLEMY/src/kernel/State.h, line 236-239:
        // changed by Kai Below: added an "int" to the following three
        int mergeFileContents(Tokenizer& lexer, char* token);
        int sendToInterpreter(Tokenizer& lexer, char* token);
        int getParameterName(Tokenizer& lexer, char* token);

I hope this will be fixed in the next version.


Kai Below

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Hyeran Lim wrote:

> I have the following error when I try to compile a program.
> I even copied one DE star program to a new one with different name.
> The original one can be compiled in a universe to do something, while
> the new one cannot be compiled due to the following errors.
> I deleted every programming part and left only
> defstart{
>     name { NEWNAME }
>     domain { DE }
>     hinclude { "Message.h", <stdio.h>, <string.h>, "DataStruct.h"}
>     private{}
>     setup{}
>     go{}
> }
> It still gives the exactly same message.
> Our Ptolemy software has been installed by our computer operator, so I
> don't know exactly what has been changed. But I guess it is version 0.7.1.
> Could you give me some suggestion?
> Thanks in advance.
> Hyeran
> ===========Error Message==========
> In file included from /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/IntState.h:8,
>                  from /soft/ptolemy/src/domains/de/kernel/DEStar.h:43,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.h:15,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.cc:8:
> /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/State.h:236: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
> `mergeFileContents' with no type
> /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/State.h:237: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
> `sendToInterpreter' with no type
> /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/State.h:238: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
> `getParameterName' with no type
> In file included from /soft/ptolemy/src/domains/de/kernel/DEPortHole.h:52,
>                  from /soft/ptolemy/src/domains/de/kernel/DEStar.h:44,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.h:15,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.cc:8:
> /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/PortHole.h:346: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
> `setPortIndices' with no type
> In file included from /soft/ptolemy/src/domains/de/kernel/DEStar.h:46,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.h:15,
>                  from /RFAIR/sim-ssa/src/DEINFO.cc:8:
> /soft/ptolemy/src/kernel/Star.h:109: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
> `setStarIndices' with no type
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
> mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dipl.-Ing. Kai Below

TU Hamburg-Harburg, Communication Networks (FSP 4-06)
Denickestr. 17, R. 3009, D-21071 Hamburg, G E R M A N Y

Fon: +4940 428 78 - 3480, Fax: +4940 428 78 - 2941
http://www.tu-harburg.de/et6/New/People/kb/ (PGP-key available)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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