Dear Ptolemy Officials and Fans,

As university's developpers of simulation and design tools for signal
and image processing, we recently discovered the Ptolemy project and the
ptolemy II software. We have  developped in the past a similar, but not
so huge, software, firstly  for education purpose.

We are really impressed by the Ptolemy project since it can be the
starting point of many of our new developpement effort concerning
Internet/JAVA. Through our first examination of the design document and
the sources, we really have the feeling that is really open to a large
number of new ideas and easily extendable. 

As matter of fact, we consider mounting an extension project of
PtolemyII and  trying to find money for an "open source"-like
development. As european guys, a good opportunity for us is to submit a
proposal at the IST program of the 5th Framework of the EC.

Quickly said, the extensions that we plan should more or less have the
following guidelines:

1. The main idea is to propose a common platform for making both
physical simulations of signals and system design (what Ptolemy do with
a particular emphasis on embedded system). The physical simulation
facility should include physical environment description with
spatio-temporal variability)  and wave propagation models concerning a
maximum numbers of disciplinary fields. The task is thus to propose
library of actors: environment descriptors and wave propagation
modellors. The focus is to study what can be called the "field
polymorphism", i.e. the fact that actors should be suited for more than
one application field.  The PtolemyII data type should be eventually
extended to the multiple dimensions (more than 2) type. 

2. The second idea is to propose a new computation domain that is
especially suited for multidimensionnal  data and that implements our
own technology features. One focus is to study the particular problems
linked with multidimentionnal signals and computing speed. Another focus
is to study what can be called the "dimension polymorphism", i.e. the
fact that an actor performing an operation along one subdimension can do
it whatever the dimension axes physically represent and whatever the
other dimension axes are.

3. The third idea is to propose a GUI that enables to edit interactive
scientific document for education and publishing . With the targeted
GUI, it should possible to make high quality scientific interactive
documents powered by a Ptolemy-like domain specific engine. The focus is
thus to propose to the signal processing research community a seamless
tool for both doing, publishing and learning research. The GUI features
will be the one that we have developped ten years ago and that appears
to be still up-to-date and compatible with the Ptolemy II architecture. 

We are looking for partners  especially belonging to the EC that could
be part of a consortium (the existing consortium is already eligible but
not really complete). If you are interested by contributing to the
project, do not hesitate to contact me.

An another hand, if you have any comments on this project (for example,
if you are currently developping the same ideas, if some aspects are
already planned by the Ptolemy group or simply if you found that our
ideas are not so good or even feasible!), please send me your feedback.

Thanks in advance. 

D. Mauuary
| Didier MAUUARY                      |                              |
| LIS/ENSIEG                          | Tel: (33) 04 76 82 62 52     |
| Campus universitaire                |                              |
| BP 46                               | Fax: (33) 04 76 82 63 84     |
| F-38402 SAINT MARTIN D'HERES-FRANCE |                              |
|       /\              Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
|    /\/\_\                                                          |
|   /\_\   \ /\         Web Site:            | 
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