Tcl is Tool Command Language, which was developed by
John Ousterhout while he was a professor here at UC Berekeley.

Tcl is a scripting language, much like Python.  Perl has
a much larger user community than Tcl or Python.  There is
a Tcl newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

Ptcl is Tcl with Ptolemy extensions, see:

The programmers docs are at:

The sdf xmitber demo uses scripted runs to change model parameters, see
 Scripted Runs

Ptolemy II uses a 100% Java port of a subset of Tcl to test actors.
This port is called Jacl.  It is possible to define and run models
using Tcl to access Java objects.  

The Ptolemy project also uses a copyright very very similar to the Tcl

    hi all,
        i would like to be able to run different tests on a model with =
    changing the model parameter automaticly, i am told that this can be =
    done by using a TCL file, what i would like to know is what is the TCL =
    file and how can it be used to accomplish that task, and if there is any =
    other possible way to acheive this , maybe by writing a special actor to =
    read parameters from a certain file or something,
    waiting for ur answer=20
    thank u=20
    best regards,
    Mohamed A. Ismail

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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