> From: Vincent Arnould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: UML model of Ptolemy II
> Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 16:50:50 +0200
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to get the UML model of Ptolemy II in a  Rose (.mdl) or
> Rahpsody or another format file?
> Kind regards,
> Vincent Arnould

Sadly, no.

Currently, the uml diagrams in the Ptolemy II Design doc are written
using Visio 5.  Microsoft bought Visio and produced Visio 2000, which
is very broken:
   1) It can read Visio 5 UML diagrams, but it can't edit them

   2) The Visio 2000 installer is broken, it is very difficult
      to uninstall them.

So, we can't upgrade to Visio2k

Sadly, Rational wants quite a bit of money for an educational license
for Rational Rose.  Last year, I believe they wanted $1600/seat, which
is only discounted 20% from their list price.

This is completely out of line, especially if we wanted to support
10 developers, especially when you compare it with the cost of a
laptop, or Framemaker, which lists at $800, but we can get at $138/seat.

I believe that Rational is missing out on the educational market.
Most vendors have realized that students in universities today are the
engineers of tomorrow that make purchasing requests.  Certainly the
CAD tool vendors have been very generous in making very expensive
software available for student use.  If Rational was $400/seat, I'd
consider going for it. 

I believe TogetherJ will generate UML diagrams, and TogetherJ might
be freely available for academic use - I'll have to check.

I would like to move our UML diagrams away from Visio and in to
another product, but we have hundreds of hours invested in them, so
the move is not something we should do lightly.


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