I'm confused... relations don't have types...
Do you want to display the name of the relation?
If you look in the FSM code there is a place where
the attributes of relations are displayed...
However, this is not done so well.  It's done in
the Microsoft style :-) where the software insists
it is smarter than you are and places the labels,
and you are not allowed to move them...


At 10:49 AM 6/13/2001 +0200, arnould wrote:
>Hi all,
>In the SDF/Demo/Type model, there is several Attributes that displays
>the Type of each  port. We'd like to do the same with the relations. But
>relation is not an attribute of an actor, and naming the attribute
>"relation6" does not do anything.
>Vincent & Sengouttouvane

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739
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