
I'm using Ptplot 3.1 on IRIX with JDK1.2.
My question is about "Xlabels" on Xticks.

I want to plot time-sequential data with ptplot, but
it seems that it doesn't have any function to use time-scale
My data are taken every 30 minutes during 1 month.
Totally 2*24*30=1440 points.
I want to zoom up my favorite "time area" with more detail xticks,
which is written in "time-format" such as "11/25 14:00".

Without any setting, in case I pre-calculate all x-data as the unit
"date", I can plot all data with date-based xticks.
However, when I zoom up, each x labels are displayed like this:
1.000 1.041 1.083 ....

If I use "xlabels" function like this:
XTicks: 1 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 5,6 6,7 7,8 8,9 9,10 10,11 11,12 12,13 13,14 14,15 15,16 
16,17 17,18 18,19 19,20 20,21 21,22 22,23 23,24 24,25 25,26 26,27 27,28 28,29 29,30 
30,31 31

I can zoomup and see xticks as "date-scale" but No Xlabels are
displayed as "hour-scale".

If I set "XTicks: " with more detail (with hour,minute..), I cannot
see any points on graph because of too-much detail lines.

Is there any methods to solve my question?

Any idea would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Eiji Ikoma

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