Am 2013-07-22 12:19, schrieb
> as I have created scripts in /etc/rc.d for automatic start of
> programms (and settings) these are not executed on startup. I can't
> use systemd mechanism because if I use it our GUI application has no
> input from the touch panel. With (manual) start via /etc/rc.d script
> this works well.
> What used to be done to have those scripts executed on startup?

This very much depends on your startup method. In ptxdist menuconfig you
gi "Root Filesystem" ---> "init" ---> "init method".

We use busybox init which uses init scripts put to /etc/init.d/ and
where you have symbolic links in rc.d pointing to the scripts in
/etc/init.d -- At system boot if you have the default /etc/inittab the
script /etc/init.d/rcS is executed which calls `run-parts -a start
/etc/rc.d` by default. "run-parts" is part of busybox itself. That's how
it goes with busybox init. I hope this contains some hints for you where
to look.


»With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured,
the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all
irrevocably.« (Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie)
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