On Di, 2016-10-04 at 15:02 +0200, Michael Olbrich wrote:
> > > [ptxdist make license-report]
> > 
> > First, this one is wonderful, and works like a charm. Thanks a lot.
> > 
> > What I am missing is an overview.
> > Mainly as an external list, but maybe also in the reports.
> > 
> > I'm talking about e.g. a simple CSV, listing all the included packages,
> > like in "pkgname | pkgversion | licenses". So something like
> > [...]
> > busybox|1.24.2|GPL-2.0
> > [...]
> > Sensible escaping would be something to look at, but anyway.
> > [...]
> > 
> > Has anyone already (partly) implemented this ?
> > Would be happy to pick up the pieces and also mainline it. Just asking,
> > before I start hacking things twice...
> I don't think there are any implementations like this.
> If we do something like this, then I'd like to take this a step further. I
> think there are more use-cases for data like this. And there a probably
> conflicting requirements for the different files and output formats.

For sure. Both.
Just, I'd like to start with a simple one, to have something. Or to be
more precise, I have to, due to customer requirement. So in any case,
I'll hack something the next few days. In case I'll hook it into the
ptxdist scripts, I'll CC the list, as a RFC.
Of course, I'm happy about any pointers where to put my fingers on in
the scripts ;-)

Out of my experience with these topics (license compliance, due
diligence by laywer), the todays report is wonderful !
And sufficient here. Maybe it could be condensed in some points (like
referencing fixed texts as the GPL instead of copying each time), but
even this is not necessary. And/or converted to some other format (text,
html), to be included in a product delivery itself (menu item, web
interface, whatever).

But to ease everyones task, and esp. have both developers and lawyers
easily check what changed, we need a simple list. In whatever format,
and included in the report or not.

> The main issue with PTXdist is that we cannot just iterate over all
> packages is one script. So what I'd like to see is something like the
> current report stage to aggregate all possibly interesting data about the
> packages and later convert an filter that into the required output.
> What would be a good intermediate format for this?

Sounds like the best way to do it. About an intermediate format, hmmm,
good question. Not sure if there is one per se. Or from an pragmatic
point of view, we already have one, the information in the report
generation scripts.

>  I'd like to avoid escaping problems if possible.

Me too :-)
CSV is always fun...

Looking at the minimal information (package name, version, license tags,
maybe flags), I think we will not run into encoding and escaping issues
here. As long as we leave out the URL. And stick with western package
Just take everything as a string, and use | as separator. Should be good
for now. At least, this would be my first try.
And even if the format changes some day, this could be converted
externally with minimal effort.


carpe noctem engineering
Ingenieurbuero fuer Hard- & Software-Entwicklung Andreas Pretzsch
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Pretzsch        Tel. +49-(0)7307-936088-1
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