On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 2:32 PM Jon Ringle <j...@ringle.org> wrote:
> I recently updated to ptxdist-2020.08.0 for running on our device that
correction. I meant ptxdist-2020.10.0

> has 64MB or physical ram.
> With systemd-246.6 that is installed,I'm finding that systemd
> daemon-reload now fails:
> $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
> Failed to reload daemon: Refusing to reload, not enough space
> available on /run/systemd. Currently, 10.6M are free, but a safety
> buffer of 16.0M is enforced.
> Has anyone else encountered this issue?
> What is the recommended way to handle this? I'm hesitant to increase
> the size of /run in fstab because of the limited RAM I have available.
> Thanks
> -Jon

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