Backporting PTXdist patches that changed rules/templates/* to a recipe
that was created with a template via 'ptxdist newpackage' can be quite
tedious and error-prone, as there are many @VARIABLES@ in the templates
that have been expanded in the recipe. (And it's especially tedious if
there are several such recipes in the BSP.) Try to automate that process
with a bit of sed magic, and give the resulting patches a nice commit
message too.

Signed-off-by: Roland Hieber <>
 scripts/port-template-commits | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 103 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/port-template-commits

diff --git a/scripts/port-template-commits b/scripts/port-template-commits
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..0907c833b4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/port-template-commits
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+shopt -s extglob
+self=$(basename "$0")
+usage() {
+       echo "Usage: ${self} <type> <packagename> <commit-ranges...>"
+       echo
+       echo "Given a range of PTXdist commits, rewrite commits which changed"
+       echo "the given template into patches that can be applied to a package"
+       echo "that was created with that template."
+       echo
+       echo "<type> is the parameter that was supplied to 'ptxdist newpackage'"
+       echo "<packagename> is the package name entered during 'ptxdist 
+       echo "    (e.g. 'foobar' for rules/barebox-foobar.rules)"
+       echo "<commit-ranges> is one or more Git commit ranges in the PTXdist 
+       echo
+       echo "Example:"
+       echo "  ${self} barebox foobar 6882ddc29fda^..6882ddc29fda 
+       echo "    Port all commits that touched 
+       echo "    from commit 6882ddc29fda and since PTXdist 2019.09.0 so that 
+       echo "    resulting patches can be applied to 'barebox-foobar'."
+       echo "    The patches will be written to 
+if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then
+       usage
+       exit 1
+if [ -n "$(grep -- ' --help\|-h ' <<< " $@ ")" ]; then
+       usage
+       exit
+if [ -z "$(git ls-files | grep '^bin/ptxdist$')" ]; then
+       echo "Not inside a PTXdist Git repository." >&2
+       exit 1
+shift 2
+package="$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" <<< "${package_name}")"
+packagedash="$(tr "[_]" "[\-]" <<< "${package}")"
+PACKAGE="$(tr "[a-z-]" "[A-Z_]" <<< "${package_name}")"
+for range in $commit_ranges; do
+       series=$(git format-patch --stat=90,80 --numbered --start-number 
${startnumber} \
+               --output-directory=${outdir} "${range}" -- ${template_files} || 
exit 3)
+       patches="$patches $series"
+       startnumber=$((startnumber+100))
+tmpfile="$(mktemp ./.commitmsg-XXXXXXXX)"
+trap "rm -f '$tmpfile'" EXIT
+for patch in ${patches}; do
+       # format commit message
+       commit=$(head -n 1 ${patch} | cut -d' ' -f2)
+       commit_short=$(cut -b1-20 <<< "${commit}")
+       if [ -z "$commit_short" ]; then
+               echo "Could not detect commit ID in '$patch'!" >&2
+               continue
+       fi
+       # remove everything after first empty line until before the diff
+       # TODO: would be nicer to keep the diffstat… need to find the correct 
+       sed -i -e '
+               /^$/,/^diff / {
+                       /^diff / { b; }
+                       d;
+               }
+               ' ${patch}
+       # and insert the new commit message before the diff
+       {
+               echo
+               echo "This ports PTXdist commit ${commit_short}:"
+               echo
+               git log -1 ${commit} | sed -e 's;^;    | ;' -e 's;\s\+$;;g'
+               echo
+               echo "Link:${commit_short}";
+               echo "---"
+       } > ${tmpfile}
+       sed -i -e '
+               /^diff / {
+                       r '${tmpfile}'
+                       N
+               }' ${patch}
+       # replace filenames and template variables
+       sed -i '
+               s,@PACKAGE@,'"${PACKAGE}"',g;
+               s,@package@,'"${package_name}"',g;
+       ' ${patch}
+       printf "%s\n" ${patch}

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