
I've just encountered, that retrieving the sources of the host-elf-h-compat package is currently not possible:

--2021-08-15 10:35:13-- https://bwalle.de/programme/elf-h-compat-0.2.tar.bz2
Resolving bwalle.de (bwalle.de)..., 2a00:1158:5:491::
Connecting to bwalle.de (bwalle.de)||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify bwalle.de's certificate, issued by 'CN=webslave.ispgateway.de,O=ispgateway,L=Ismaing,ST=Bavaria,C=DE':
  Self-signed certificate encountered.
    ERROR: certificate common name 'webslave.ispgateway.de' doesn't match requested host name 'bwalle.de'.
To connect to bwalle.de insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.

The package itself was added in 2012 (commit e929e0) and got no essential update in between. Maybe it can be dropped nowadays since elf.h is part of the libc6-dev package (at least for Debian oldstable and newer, Ubuntu bionic and newer) which might be set as a dependency for ptxdist configure script.

What is you oppinion?

Best regards,


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