I'm happy to do the web stuff... it's what I do, and I can put together
NSW bit.  However, I'd like to suggest (if possible) one of the

http://nsw.neither.org or http://www.neither.org/nsw/ 

as the shorter the address, the better.  The first one would require
technical assistance by whoever's running the neither.org domain name...
(if there's anyone who'd like me to elaborate, please ask).

As this raises national rather than NSW issues I am starting this
thread in response to the above from the "NSW" thread.

state.neither.org (or in general locality.neither.org and likewise
will be technically feasible but would involve some hassles and probably
costs from the US web service provider we using (www.pair.com) for each
state/locality/project. Unless there were major advantages there seems
no point considering it until we are need to run our own DNS server for
other reasons. (Note that use of .org
instead of .org.au leaves open future possibilities such as
uk.neither.org and us.neither.org)

www.neither.org/nsw has no important technical issues but I prefer
with a link from www.neither.org/ for "Local groups" to 
www.neither.org/local/ which would have a list of local groups including
NSW - www.neither.org/local/NSW/ (or /Sydney/, /Armidale/ etc etc)

I understand Luke will be making some announcements about the web site
and formation
of technical and content project groups shortly and suggest these are
matters that
do not need open public policy discussion but could be left to those
groups when formed.

However point about "the shorter the address the better" may raise an
issue appropriate
for wider input.

My view is that we should only be advertizing the one address -
in any national, local and project group publications. This would
emphasize neither's
identity as a single national organization and ensure that people
interested in one
or other aspect of it's activities will see the main neither pages first
and be aware
of other activities before proceeding to the local page for any local
they happen to be interested in. The length of links does not really
matter when
embedded in other web pages or email messages but is only important for
publications and what people "remember".

Independently edited local and project sections will be useful for
getting things
moving and avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy but the aim should be for
to identify with "Neither" rather than to establish autonomous local or
project organizations
with their own separate identity.

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