One world corporate government will never work <>
For starters, history proves the final collapse of every grand scheme is inevitable, simply because the idea tries to defy gravity where; the good heavy stuff aggregates at the bottom, the light frothy dross rises as a scum to the top, there it is easily scraped off and discarded (the French Revolution being an example of such a scraping). And superior weapons have never saved the scum, nor ever will.
But weapons will not be what brings about the end to the present grand scheme; it will happen as a result of the herd refusing to deal with the grand schemes banking system. What then? The grand scheme will be left on an island, with not a feather to fly, and talking only to itself (assuming its heads are still attached to its body). The whole ridiculous house of cards is right now crumbling faster than it can be propped up; time and disinterest will guarantee its ignominious demise.
Nature should teach the grand scheme a lesson - which it will not as, the grand scheme, in its conceit, thinks it knows what is best for the whole world, just like every would-be-world-dictator has. The more cumbersome a beast grows, the more vulnerable it becomes to attack from hoards of smaller more agile aggressors - just watch an ant heap for a while and see who wins in the end.

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