At university,  they are not taught Magna Carta,  Bill of Rights, Petition
of Right,  Habeas Corpus or even the Australian Constitution.

They are taught that (a) statute law overrules common law,
                     (b) inalienable rights are at the disposal of government, 
                     (c) truth and justice must not get in the way of success.

Judges are selected to perpetuate the power of an already corrupt judiciary.

Judges either do not understand what their Oath of Allegiance and Oath of
Office mean,  or they do understand and have no intention of honouring them.

The Judiciary have entrenched their corruption - so much so that they will
not allow accusations or indictments against themselves.

Al Capone had a similar defensive network around him.  Elliot Ness could
not get him for the heinous crimes of murder,  etc.  Al Capone was caught
for tax fraud.

Australian judges also have an "Achilles Heel".  Their downfall will come
from their concealment of contract fraud.  That fraud is found in the fact
that "variable" means "uncertain" and "certain" means "not variable" (the
Oxford English Dictionary) - and the fact that all judges,  for fear of
offending the banks,  have concealed these truths, from the Supreme Court
and Judicial Commission of New South Wales to the High Court of Australia.

The judges have obstructed and perverted the course of justice in their
attempts to prevent victims of bank fraud from claiming the stolen money
back from the banks.

And this is how to purge our courts of JUDGES WHO ARE TRAINED TO BE TRAITORS.

All it takes is for people to go to court and make their STATEMENTS OF
CLAIM that their loan contracts, containing variable interest rates, are
bad under common law which demands that there be "certainty of terms" in
order to be valid and binding.

This is also the only way to BREAK THE POWER OF THE BANKS over our people.

There is no other way!!!

-  John Wilson.



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