Court 21B,  Law Courts Building, Queen's Square, Sydney.

Justice Beaumont said that judges in the Supreme Court of a State cannot be
tried for Judicial Corruption (section 33 of the Crimes Act 1914) unless
the case which they are presiding over is of a federal matter.

Justice Beaumont said that Covering Clause 5 of the Commonwealth of
Australia Constitution Act,  which says that "all laws made by the
Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution shall be binding on
the courts,  judges and people of every State notwithstanding anything in
the laws of any State" does not apply to State courts or State judges.

Justice Beaumont referred to section 31 of the Crimes Act 1914, which says
that the ""holder of a judicial office" means the holder of a judicial
office under the Commonwealth",  and said it did not refer to a State
judge.  I argued that Covering Clause 6 of the Commonwealth of Australia
Constitution Act says that the States are part of the Commonwealth and,
therefore,  "under the Commonwealth" means "under every State and every
part of the Commonwealth". 

I argued quite a few issues - but all to no avail.  Justice Beaumont was
primed up for the occasion with his rehearsed statement and nothing was
going to persuade him allow me to file a Summons indicting a State judge.
For Part III of the Crimes Act 1914,  he put in things and took out things
to suit himself.  This has become standard practice for judges.  The actual
wording of and the definitions, which are part of the Act,  are not really
as they are,  if it doesn't suit them.  An Oath of Allegiance or Office
mean absolutley nothing to this Mafia. 

This is just another episode in the relentless sage to find justice.  There
will be more "goes".  The only thing that changes is that the list of
judges condemning themselves out of their own mouths gets longer.  There
will come a day when the judges will have to face the tribunals of the
people ... and that means JURIES.

What would our forefathers have to say about our present judiciary?  Are
they looking on?  How can a person swear an Oath to "do right" and have no
intention of doing any such thing?  It's a funny world!

Regards to all,

John Wilson.    

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