Dear Robert,
A bit wishy-washy. 
What "common goal"?
How about some urgency and and calling "a spade a spade".
Australia is being stolen and the banks are the thieves.
Democracy is a fiction and the banks are the tyrants.
To use your own words, "Australians aren't hurt enough yet."
That's because they are either brain-dead or "fools, traitors and cowards".
Isn't Inverell more than a "talk shop" where self-centred morons have a bit of a whinge and leave thinking they have "done their bit"?
Inverell must be a "call to arms" to fight for our country and for the future of our children.
Why Inverell?  Because there ain't nothing else!
Otherwise, Inverell will become known for its chickens more than its gemstones.
John Wilson.

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