DATE :  1 February 2001
SUBJECT : Constitutional Mayhem

Bringing you step by step to an understanding of the coming 
New World Order and associated One World Government. 

Yes, there is time to prepare but you must 
listen to The National Watchman.



In the past I have written on the Murphy Myth under which several ‘Freedom
Groups’ claimed the government was unconstitutional . This simplictically
claimed that,

“Australia was recognised as an independent nation in 1920 by the League of
Nations.  As an independent nation our Constitution, binding us to Britain
was invalid, and the government has been illegal ever since.”

Today, in legal circles, this is know as the Murphy Myth. (A PDF file is
available by email from TNW of the details of the Murphy Myth).  In
District Courts, Supreme Courts, Federal Courts and the High Court the Myth
has been run and defeated in every instance. It is now absolutely certain
and beyond doubt that this is not the law of Australia.

However, I know that this sounds pretty stupid, there was still an unusual
acceptance of this principle. The reasons is that we are truly a
constitutionally degraded nation; today the Murphy Myth is now
intrinsically woven into this degradation. 

Alan Gourley, a man who has championed the constitution for some thirty
years, recently wrote of this social phenomenon,

"The first step to creating a new set of social beliefs is to create a
confusion of beliefs....So, when faced with confusion, we normally believe
what we want to believe... The hooks in the public mind are scientifically


In this we can see the real reason why the Murphy Myth was so ingeniously
planted into the Australian constitutional psyche. It is fundamental to the
republican cause; those that have planted the seed are internationalists
seeking the creation of a new constitution from "a confusion of beliefs".

You might think this unimportant but small ideas can grow into bigger
ideas. In October last year a representative from one of the MURPHY MYTH
‘Freedom Groups’ is alleged to say that he had discussions with the United
Nations that would see international troops being brought into Australia to
enforce a valid Constitution upholding the Murphy Myth. 

He says however that such is a misinterpretation of his words. But in any
event, at the very least, he admits that there was to be a constitutional
overthrow that would be enforced through international law. 

This is no small claim for a leading, businessman to make before a public
audience. You would think that ASIO or someone would be interested in
constitutional overthrows; especially enforced ones. 


So now to the point of this update. Recently I have found that there are
two new constitutional theories in existence. You can be sure too, that
their “hooks” have been “scientifically set”.

The first is from a Mr. Walter Joosse who had a close relationship with the
development of the Murphy Myth. To save you the trouble of reading his 50
pages here is a summary of JOOSSE'S THEORY.

a)      Things are bad, things are very bad in Australia. All Australians should
be concerned.

b)      The government today is illegal (sounds like the MURPHY MYTH doesn't it). 

The reason is that the Queen of Australia cannot exist as a legal entity
and thus the Letter Patents 1984 are not valid and so the Governor General
has no power. Hence all laws enacted by him are void.

c)       The only way to solve this is for a new government to be set up. A
group of ‘qualified’ academics will be selected to create the interim
government that will give all Australians a new constitution.


The second is from a Mr. Ian Shaw who says that councils are illegal under
Australia’s Constitution.

Ian's claim is that Councils are now ultra vireos or void because of the
1988 Referendum. The argument is that in the 1988 Referendum on Local
Councils being placed under Federal control was rejected; hence, says Ian,
councils are now void; like the Federal government under Joosse or the
Murphy Myth. (You start to see similarities don’t you?)

Ian’s analysis, ON THIS POINT, is simply absolutely wrong.  State councils
have no relationship to the Federal Government. They are created under the
power of the State governments which, while bound to the Constitution, do
not have the same power source as the Federal Constitution. Each state, is
in essence, an independent country whose power comes from the Queen.

But don’t worry. These people will never let the facts get in the way of a
good theory. 


So, if these theories of constitutional delusion are not law, what are they

One the central proponents of the Murphy Myth, and perhaps the strongest,
claims to be a senior policy advisor to the Minister for  Energy and
Minerals, a consultant to the Prime Minister’s Office and to talk regularly
the Australian Minister of Industrial Relations over the dinner table. In
this manner the Murphy Myth can be linked to the political party system.

Global government, which the political  parties now works towards, implies
a new sovereign for Australia. Yet complete sovereignty does not rest in

The Murphy Myth, and associated delusions, can be seen as part of a
formidable campaign by globalist forces to convince loyal Australians that
their existing constitution is invalid. This removes from the people’s
hearts the will to defend  the old constitution upon the proclamation of
global sovereignty.

To finish I simply return to the words of Alan Gourley.

"The first step to creating a new set of social beliefs is to create a
confusion of beliefs....So, when faced with confusion, we normally believe
what we want to believe... The hooks in the public mind are scientifically

(For interest I have attached to this email Ian Shaw’s analysis and my
reply to it. It is useful reading only if you like that sort of thing. But
be warned, it is long.)

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
The National Watchman
Australian Community Organisation
P.O. Box 136, Surry Hills NSW  2010 

Phone   : (02) 9 690 2211
Website :


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