Keep your Eye on these Two they could Steal Your Trousers

Australian Politician’s have turned Parliament, from the House of Representatives into a House of Deception, they are supposed to Represent the people. For nearly a 100 years they have only represented their political party and they only do that for the bribe of Pre-selection. That honorarium, that bribe is forbidden by sub-section 45 of the Australian Constitution but that never bothers our bunch of Gangsters.

Lies, Cruel Lies & Statistics Politics

What is the difference between a "Promise" and a "Core Promise"?

Absolutely nothing, why? Because the person telling the story impresses their credibility and honesty on you to believe there is no difference. Politicians do not say, "this is a promise that we have every intention of breaking", what they say is "this is a promise"!


Why does the Scum rise to the Top?

A promise IS A PROMISE because we were brought up to believe that a man's word was his honour.So when a politician promises you something ask yourself this little question: Is it a promise OR a core promise?

If you would like to know when an Australian politician is lying to you or not, remember Keating’s famous words, "Just watch these Lips". If he opens his Lips, he is Lying.

If you are comfortable being lied to by our nation's leaders and like being treated like an absolute idiot, please vote for them again. If not, you know what to do:

Vote the Sitting Member LAST!

Tell the major political parties that you are sick of the lies, greed and corruption.Do something to make a Difference.

Don't let them 'Feather the Nest' forever.

G angsters, S windlers & T hieves

Politicians from the Major Political Parties have voted themselves million dollar retirement packages at your expense. Then 'double dipped' again to ensure that the citizen pays for their re-election expenses, and some left over to stuff the party coffers. For every first preference vote $1.62 goes into one of the major party coffers, In the1998 election the major parties were paid $27,886,897 from the tax that they squeezed from the Mums and Dads of Australia.

The Mafia has more morals than these politicians. The Mafia leaves you with a little bit to start again with, but our brand of bloodsuckers are ‘till death do us part’. They have proved that they have absolutely no regard for their constituents (that's you) only regard for Party pre-selection by power brokers who keep the ‘dirt bags’ and are paid by overseas interests.

Guarantee that major political parties
Do Not Make Money Out of Your Vote,
Place the Sitting Member Last and
the Opposition Second Last.

They will choke on their Champagne when they see results like these coming in. We have all known that the big parties have fixed the electoral system in their favour, that they are aided and abetted in these crimes by the new media, this gives little or no chance to those who would raise a voice against them, the Independents. Big party politician’s feel safe in the knowledge that they can destroy any honest independent with cute accusations and imputation.

As you know the 'Party Preference Structure' is a very sensitive operation, where preferences in the wrong place means the pulverizing of established party politicians's
Only this will get rid of them. We are not suggesting who you should vote for, that is your choice, but please, lets all unite in cleansing Australia, or your State, from the party stooges who have betrayed our country for years.

Had Enough
Vote the Sitting Member Last

Voting for the other major party or voiding your vote will not solve the problem at all.
They will continue selling us down the river for 'thirty pieces of silver'. Give them the "Silver Bullet".

If a percentage of voters place the major parties last on their voting
form, not only will they miss out on your vote but they will miss out on the payment they would normally collect from your vote. Let them look for another job. They have to realise that, they must support the people, and if they do not perform they will be sacked. Party manipulation of preferences, electoral roles, pre-selections, television advertisements and "Ballet Box Stuffing" have destroyed our country.

Stop it before it stops you.

At the coming elections, vote the sitting member last, the major opposition parties second last and so on as your conscience rules. For example, if there are six candidates you would put a number six next to the name of the sitting member and five next to the major opposition party and the rest of their names in the order that you desire. This way you are rejecting the sitting member Unconditionally so he won't get a skerrick of your money or
your vote.
The consequence will be a clear and understandable statement from the Australian people, that we are apprised and hold them in disdain, we will not allow them to treat us with arrogance, and contempt. They have heartlessly deceived the people of Australia and laughed at our Trust.

Your Vote Counts, Now its your turn. Or do you want more of the same?

Vote the Sitting Member Last.



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