Hi  Ron,
The Firearm Owners Association of Australia has done a fantastic job in overturning the corrupt  political establishment in Australia and throwing the useless self seeking politicians onto the scrap heap where they belong.
Unfortunately as you know it is not the politicians who actually run the country; No the politicians are merely the mouthpiece of the media barons, banks and international business and the United Nations with the assistance and connivance of the public service.
 Once the One Nation party has power in a real sense it will have to ensure that the rights of freemen to own and use firearms are reinstated fully and by some means entrench those rights to ensure that no future government can ever remove them. This is difficult in a political system which recognises the sovereignty of parliament. As each parliament is sovereign it has the absolute power to make or repeal legislation passed either by itself or by any previous parliament. There will be a lot of work to do in the constitutional field to protect and reinstate the rights of all Australians and this cannot be left to the 'civil' servants who will use every means possible while appearing to be helpful to undermine and or delay your plans.
As you know for the time being I live in a country which has virtually eradicated firearm ownership by civilians and the government intends to make sure that there are no firearms in the hands of the public within the next few years. This inspite of the 'protection' afforded by the Bill of Rights, but it is merely a piece of legislation and its effect can and has been eroded by subsequent legislation it is not entrenched and unassailable. It is vital that in order to protect the rights of freemen to keep arms for their protection and the protection of the country that this or something similar be entrenched into law and in such a way that it can never be repealed by a subsequent parliament or parliaments, or interfered with by the judiciary.
Anyway you know all this, and I'm preaching to the converted again. I wish I was still there to take part in the battle with you and a battle it will be. getting rid of the political parties who have denied our rights is the first step on a long road, the real battle is yet to come, the enemy remains in other guises the media will do every thing in its power to discredit One Nation and no doubt they have already tried, the public service will as I have previously said use their traditional tools to delay legislation and obstruct the implementation of any legislative reforms.  
Good Luck Ron, I wish you and all my fellow Australians the very best in your endeavours. I have no doubt that you will be successful and our country will again be the icon of freedom it once was. I only wish I could be there to take part in what I am sure will be the greatest period in Australia's history, which will be remembered as the time that Australia was returned to the people.
Brian Thwaites.

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