----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 9:54 PM
Subject: Big business cosies up to Greenies- again

Monday 9.30 pm Melbourne time
Western Mining Corporation green appointee thinks Henry Ford worse than Hitler
Trish Caswell, former extreme left-wing head of the Australian Conservation Foundation, has just been appointed by Hugh Morgan, chief executive of Western Mining Corporation, to the company’s external advisory panel, which only demonstrates how much personal advice Hugh Morgan is in need of.
Does he not know that Caswell named Henry Ford as one of the “great villains” of the twentieth century (Rupert Murdoch’s Australian 9-10 March 1996)? Hitler exterminates 6 million Jews in gas chambers and by a variety of other ghastly means and Caswell calls Ford the “villain” of the century!
Why? What was Henry’s crime? In her own words: “He invented a machine that has seduced the world, infiltrated most corners of it, noisy, deadly, smelly. . .” I’ve got news for Caswell: no Ford car was ever as “noisy, deadly” or as “smelly” as a Nazi gas chamber, a NKVD charnel house or Pol Pot’s Killing Fields.
My god, the twentieth century’s political chamber of horrors is filled with monsters like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot et al., and she chooses the father of the Model T-Ford as her “villain” of the century. What a charming example of green morality.
But it’s not Caswell I’m attacking but the ethically challenged Morgan and his “enigmatic” advisers. What does Morgan think he’s up to? For years greenies and other lefties — Caswell among them — have been attacking large corporations for their alleged lack of ethics. And now Morgan substantiates their claims by putting this greenie on the payroll. And it is unethical — for more reasons than some people might at first think.
Morgan owes Western Mining’s shareholders an explanation and an apology. But more than that, he owes the victims of the Nazi extermination camps an apology. Not just them, but the victims of every totalitarian twentieth century thug. But Jews and other victims should not hold their breath waiting for an apology from someone like Morgan. Any corporate executive who could appoint the likes of Caswell to a senior position in his corporation has obviously lost any understanding he may have had of ethics.
In plain English, because I’m beginning to think Morgan is also linguistically challenged: the appointment is unethical, immoral and cowardly.
Gerry Jackson
The New Australian


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