The figures from the Reserve Bank of Australia of $379 billion for the Net Foreign Liabilities being 57.8% of our Gross Domestic Product were not when the dollar was worth 51.1 US cents (9th march) but on the 2nd of March when the dollar was higher.
Therefore,  bankruptcy is closer than thought.
If anyone knows what the dollar was worth on the 2nd of March, one can update the first guess at the point of bankruptcy of 25 US cents...maybe 30 US cents?.
That's what happens when the country is run by the banks.  It's all FRAUD - planned and executed with variable interest rate loans and money creation - so that the rich get rich and the poor get poorer.
The reality is that we are a bountiful land with more than enough to go around.
There should be no poverty in Australia.  For that fact, there should be no slavery in Australia.
But that's what happens when the country is run by the banks with governments and courts doing their bidding.
The people cannot win back their country with guns and bombs because the banks are too powerful.
We can only win back what is rightfully ours in Court with judges pushed to one side and the issues are tried by our peers - which, naturally, means TRIAL BY JURY.
The fight is between the BANKS and the PEOPLE. 
Call it a WAR, if you like - but the Banks represent TYRANNY and the People represent DEMOCRACY.
It's there for the winning.
Who is going to take it on?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

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