DATE :  Monday, 19 March 2001
SUBJECT : A Whole New Lesson

Bringing you step by step to an understanding of the coming
New World Order and associated One World Government.

Yes, there is time to prepare but you must
listen to The National Watchman.



The headlines are simple enough. BHP, Australia's biggest company and the backbone of Australian industry, announced it would be ‘merge” with the British based company, Billiton. Innocuous, harmless, a logical step in the growth of Australia’s largest company it might be argued. But the word “merge” is just glad-wrapping; a sugar coated spin for the reality of total control of Australia’s assets by a select financial group. 

The United Nations Human Development Report in 1996 talked of the select financial group that today runs the world. The total wealth of the world’s 358 billionaires equals the combined income of the poorest 45 percent of the world’s population (2.3. billion people). When we talk of groups like Billiton, we talk of wealthy people and the wealth is such that it is a very select and limited club.

This group, like all associations, has an aim; the aim is world control. No, world control by elitists is not conspiracy theory. Noted historian and Professor Carroll Quigley (Georgetown University) confirmed its existence in 1966, much to the consternation of the elite, in his book ‘Tragedy and Hope’ which was never to be republished even after much demand.

Quigley, using inside sources, noted that after 1914 the banks and governments tried to stabilise world currency and reintroduce the gold standard. However,

“In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a  feudalistic  fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements  in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank in the hands of men like Montague Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”


The sale of BHP is part of this world plan.

Adopting the ‘equality of the world’ view we could sugar coat this, should you wish to deny Carol Quigley. You would have to also deny the reality and nature of power.

The reality is that all of the resources once owned by you and your children, and your future unborn are to be owned by the stockholders of the world. The private of BHP takes place in the environment of the sale of all of our public assets by our elected ‘deceitfuls’.

The term ‘ownership by the world’ is not to be taken in an egalitarian  sense, nor in the sense of an equity between the people of the world but in the sense of elite, financial, power control.

The control will not end with the taking of your financial wealth. That is not the reality of power for “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Ownership of the body is never complete to you have the soul.

So, this update is not about the Money Men, the controllers of world finance. Rather it is about you, who you are and why this is happening and why they want your soul. But before this, let us try to put what it means to you into simple terms, in secular terms.


BHP was once the pride of Australia. Its creation was witness to the fact that we had grown as a  nation. We were able to provide, for ourselves, one of the essential commodities of the twentieth century. It proved vital to our war efforts.

Today the steel industry is simply  shutting up shop. In 1997 BHP decided to close its Newcastle steel works. 3000 full time jobs disappeared with a single decision. But, it is not that it was not productive. It had reduced its workforce from 44,000 in May 1981 to 29,000 in November 1983; production went from 150 tonnes per man in 1982 to 700 tonnes per man in 1996.


The real issue was not, and never has been, productivity; it is policy.  And  it is the policy of the international financiers who, today, own BHP. The reason for it is that they wish to take sovereignty from the Australian people. And steel, like constitutions, has a lot to do with sovereignty.

BHP Newcastle was part of the infrastructure of our nation that created the reality of sovereignty. Sovereignty is created in very real and practical things; not in marketing slogans like ‘we are a clever country’.

Slogans do not defend a nation against an Indonesian hoard; rather real bullets, fired from real guns, produced in real steel factories is what has stopped an Indonesian/Asian invasion up to this date.

Today, the practical structure of sovereignty is being tackled on every level. Financial institutions and public utilities are sold, people disarmed; the republic was an attack on the sovereignty inherent in structure of a Constitutional Monarchy.


And of course the steel industry is also under attack. Today the steel industry is transferred to Asian financial control. Ominous in that China owns the whole electricity grid of South Australia. In the future Asian will control, arguably, the most fundamental aspects of practical Australian Sovereignty. The News Report stated,

“Allow Australian-owned steel plant to close, then two years later assist a globalist consortium to come in and build a replacement plant on almost the same spot with 'inducements' - in this case at least $240 million - of taxpayers' money. Classic globalisation -- the transfer of ownership and control of Australia into global hands with government assistance.

The replacement Newcastle steel mill is to be built by transnational corporations (TNCs) Danieli & C SpA, and Theiss (majority-owned by TNC Hochteif AG). It will be operated by the TNC Corus Group plc, the entire annual output will be marketed by the TNC Macsteel International, and shipped by Singapore based TNC Andhika Ship Management.

Interest repayments on borrowed capital will flow to financial backer the Industrial Bank of Japan, and negotiations took place in foreign boardrooms.
While the media spotlight has been on local job creation, 1500 of the estimated 2,500 new permanent jobs will be needed to replace those destroyed when the Australian company (BHP) closed the equivalent plant 18 months previously.

The TNCs, on the other hand, will get billions in profits which they will take offshore tax-free, courtesy of Australia's foreign-owned government. Newcastle meanwhile gets some jobs, paid for with at least an extra $240 million in foreign debt. And believe it or not, journalists at the Sydney Morning Herald are still referring to this as 'Australia's steel export industry” [SMH 14 February 2001]. (The News Report, Issue 275 Tuesday February 20 2001<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

Just as our major  political parties are controlled by senior international financiers so too are the boards of a major corporations; so is our media. Together they represent the new trinity; they represent the true god of mammon. The decline of BHP, its sale,  and the transfer of further Australian wealth, was done under the direction of the head deity, the New World Order.


So the LESSON FOR TODAY, to be found in the steel industry’s example, is the lesson that the workers of Newcastle have already learnt. You must come to understand that, in a globalised Australia, you are going to work for Asian employers.  But this is only part of the lesson.

The Sydney Morning Herald’s noted columnist Geoff Kitney, 20 years a Canberra journalist, wrote,

In Europe an apocalyptic vision of the future of the world, formed by the economic policies John Howard is using to reshape Australia, is starting to scare people. It’s being called the 20-80 vision. It predicts a future in which only 20 percent of the world’s working-age population will be needed in the work-force. The other 80 percent will be denied productive, fulfilling lives. Instead, they will live on the fringe, surviving on what the productive population is prepared to pass on to them.

The ‘20-80’ vision is now accepted as the destiny of a globalised world. It is a fearful enough destiny but for Australia it is more ominous and the reason is Asia. Australia will be the only first world country where globalisation will mean integration of the ‘20-80’ economy into a third world wages system.

Geoff Kitney described  the ‘20-80’ world  and provided a special warning of the danger of Asian wage structures.
New investment will go to where the costs are the lowest and incentives greatest. China, India, South-East Asia will set the new standards for wages, taxes, and social welfare in the global market.

Here Kitney identifies the investment slippery dip; the competitive “incentives” slide in a race to the bottom. And herein, we learn the LESSON OF THE FUTURE. As we are led into the race to the bottom, the competitive “incentives” slide created under government competition and immigration policy, you will learn to work for Asian wages.


There is lesson upon lesson that comes from this. For instance, do not worry about your financial condition. A poverty of third world standards is now the future for your children; no matter what happens you are going be wealthy and live a good, comparable life to the evil that is to come upon your children.

But all in all, such lessons are no lessons at all for they are only secular. If you want reality you must be able to face the spirituality of the Australian condition, created by the major political parties. True, they are only going to sell your body, but the New World Order is going to ask for your soul.


So it is now time to start on a whole new lesson. You may be aware that there is something terribly wrong in Australia, if not the world. True the world has never been perfect but we all can see that the process of change is speeding up.

They are taking us somewhere. That means that there is somewhere you have been and there is somewhere you are going. The real answer to both your home and your destination, the only answer that counts, is to be found in your Holy Bible (the Separated Scriptures of the Hebrew Testament.)

You are, as  a people, to go into bondage to the international, globalist, financial elite. As the United Nations report identified, this is a specific group of men that control the world’s finances. While you deal righteously they deal wisely; one recorded result of this wisdom was recorded for your benefit. It is as follows,

“And the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied, and waxed exceedingly mighty; that the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt which knew not of Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold the people of Israel are more and mightier than we. COME ON, LET US DEAL WISELY WITH THEM....”

And with the use of secular wisdom the people were taken into bondage.  And the discussions of your enemy, as they plotted against you in previous times,  was also recorded for your benefit.

“Thus they took crafty council against the people... they have consulted together with one consent...They said, Come, and to us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may no more be in remembrance”. (Exodus 2:7-10, Psalm 83).


As your forefathers went into bondage, so today does the Heritage Australian. And he goes into bondage for the same reason as his forefathers before. For we, as a nation have  “played the harlot” and having played we must now pay.  We have taken many ‘alien lovers’ (concepts and ideas) and we have said we were more intelligent, more spiritually attuned then our forefathers : we are more mulitcultural.

If you watch TV at all, you watch violence, approval and endorsement of the gay lifestyle and illicit sex in general; death and violence is now a family sport. And this is called entertainment. The Romans had the Coliseum.

Even scant reading of your local paper will display the range of mulitcultural, government sanctioned, sexual pleasure centres : temples of self- gratification. No need anymore to go into dark alleys to get your dirty magazines, just go to the local service station.

Once we banned perversion; today we ban guns and thus liberty.  We have departed from the Heritage Values. These values were good and noble. They were, at their fundamental core, biblical. In departing from them we departed from our God.

Last year one UPDATE focused on the nature of the ‘lusty and lewd’ billboards openly seen on Sydney’s streets. The most amazing thing, that I learned from this, is that nobody cared. Even ‘moral’ family men could see no reason, or take no offense, that their small children would see such things. These men were attuned to Australia’s new spiritual values and conditions.

But the lesson here, which exists even should you deny it; it that a nation that will not protect its children will not be protected by God. A nation that trains its children in evil, from their youngest age, cannot wonder why, in astonishment, when evil is brought upon it. If you ‘sow the wind you must reap the whirlwind’.


And why is this message important. Because it is the truth. And until you recognise the truth you can never, never ever solve the problem. Only in the truth will you find the correct answer to your plight.

The war that is waged against you is of the spiritual domain. And it will be won only, when once again, your God fights for you.

There is no solution in political parties, there is no solution in clever slogans, and there is no solutions in your wealth.

“I know your works...Because they sayest I am rich and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, miserable, and poor, and blind and naked.... (Revelation 3:17)

And The National Watchman knows, as these words are written, that you will not believe. And so it is that you shall be brought low. If you will not humble yourself than your God shall ensure the necessary processes are brought to bear; you will learn who you truly are.

The closure of BHP Steel, whatever it might mean, means nothing; it is irrelevant. Your wealth is irrelevant for it shall be turned to poverty. Your freedom is irrelevant because it will be turned to captivity. And all this is because you have turned from your God and he has turned from you. 

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
The National Watchman
Australian Community Organisation
P.O. Box 136, Surry Hills NSW  2010

Phone   : (02) 9 690 2211
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