Give this to your local MPs and ask them for Answers. Ron

Do you have doubts, about what the media told you concerning Port Arthur?

How many coincidences does it take before the media version becomes improbable?

1."There will never be uniform gun laws in Australia until we see a massacre in Tasmania"

(Barry Unsworth, Premier NSW in Dec 1987)

2. "We are going to see a mass shooting in Tasmania unless we get national gun control laws"

(Roland Brown, Chairman- Coalition for Gun Control, March 1996)

3.National Gun Laws were prepared and discussed at Police Ministers Council meeting on the 10th November 1995 presented by Daryl Smeaton, a few months prior to the disaster.

4.Prior to the massacre, special provision was made to obtain a 22 body Morgue/Ambulance, the only one of its size in Australia.

5.Who made the hoax phone call that lured away the local police as Bryant was at Port Arthur having lunch at the time? Where were Constable Iles and Sergeant Fogarty?

6. Wounded survivor, Graham Colyer said ‘Gunman had pockmarked face’.

7.Police Superintendents Bennett & Fielding report mentioned, "two gunmen or some people or hostages as there appeared to be shots coming from two separate buildings" at Seascape.

(March 1997 issue of Association of South Australian Police Journal) Autopsy reports owners had been killed early on Sunday morning and hostage body was found with handcuffs still on.

8. Why did Police request Fire Brigade to standby near Seascape? Then after Bryant was captured, prevented them from attending to fire, didn’t they care about the hostages?

9.Why was no investigation made into the conflicting reports of different clothing that Bryant was alleged to have worn.

10. No investigation was made into the bullet damage to Bryant’s Volvo, left at the Toll Booth, as no police were involved at that time. Who shot at Bryant’s Volvo?

11. Police were notified by Wendy Scurr at 1.32pm while shooting was in progress. Why did it take until 7.45 pm for armed Police to arrive. "All crime scenes had been contaminated to varying degrees". (Sergeant G, Dutton, Australian Police Journal 1998)

12.Powder residue tests were not carried out on victims clothing or Bryant’s. (Needed to establish muzzle to victim distance, otherwise victims could have been shot by someone else from a greater range.) As many cartridge cases and bullets were missing or not intact, Police could not forensically prove that Bryant fired the specific rifles at specific victims. (Sergeant G, Dutton, Australian Police Journal 1998)

13.On that dreadful day, ten managers attended a seminar, two hours away at Swansea. This was the first time since the historical site had been opened, that senior staff had all attended a Sunday Seminar.

Do you want to hear lots more from an eye witness and a Police Investigator?

Wendy Scurr (eye witness) and Andrew S. MacGregor (ex Police)

Gympie Civic Centre 7.30 pm on the 28th May 2001, entrance $5.00

Contact numbers Ian Mc Niven on 07 54 467340 or 0418 986 869

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